Wild Roses

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Chapter 2: Wild Roses

Aster gulped as he raised his fist to knock on the door but he couldn't move. He could hear the students chatting around or even going home behind his back. Unfortunately, the Garden Club is near to the gate and being a new student will surely gain you some interest.

"Stop being a coward, Aster!" he mumbled to himself and rapped the door with unnecessary force. He felt himself blush and was horrified as the door opened. A boy stared at him and smiled.

" You're Aster Bright, right?" he asked and didn't wait for him to respond. " My name is Sage, Sage Virtue. Please come in."

He caught a glimpse of an untidy room -with cobwebs and all- when he saw Divine Willows sitting on a monoblock chair that gave him an illusion of a throne. Divine herself had the right aura in her that gave of a 'royal' feeling. She smirked as Aster clumsily stood in front of her.

" You-" she looked at the paper that Sage just gave her. "-Aster Bright, wants to enter our distinguished club?"

" Obviously," he said out loud, his nerves catching up on him. To his surprise, Divine gave a hint of a nod.

" Gutsy," she commented as though praising him but still looked a bit unconvinced. " Why do you want to? Is it because of my beauty? Or is it because of the prestige it offers?"

Aster couldn't help but stare at the seemingly proud girl. " Prestige?" he echoed, completely confused. Divine gave off a derisive laugh.

" Do you know that there is a line of people willing to join us? Most of them only wants to know me and Sage, in terms of girls. This is considered as one of the elite clubs in the academy. Admission will surely result to the increase of your admirers," she gave him a knowing smile. It seems like that Aster's growing popularity has reached Divine. " And of course, a chance to know its members more,"

Aster smiled at her smugly, " I just like plants, that's all,"

" We'll see. When does wild roses bloom?"

" Around late June or early July," Aster answered mechanically and got confused. Divine raised her eyebrows.

" Remember during second period in the morning? We met near the school garden.  I'll let you tend the wild roses there for one week. If I see the flowers wilting unnaturally, you'll be off the club. If not-" she smirked and flipped her hair. " -I have no choice but to let you in."

" Sage, please escort our guest outside," ordered Divine. " I need to take a nap before my driver picks me up,"

" Wait-what?!" yelled Aster as Sage clutched on his arm.

" You have to start on your task right now," grinned Sage, excitement reflecting in his brown eyes.


" Woah! I never knew that you would know this stuff, Aster!" Sage said in awe. Aster felt himself blush and tried to ignore the compliment by snipping off an old cane.

" I actually thought that Divine will not give you a chance since she shooed away all those interested students before. I guess she knows when a person actually knows what he is doing," babbled Sage. Aster had no choice but to nod or shake his head the whole time. Who knew that the meek-looking boy from before could be this noisy? Aster had to pretend to listen all along.

I kinda regretted trying to join this club, thought Aster. Unfortunately, joining a club is mandatory and this is his last hope. He couldn't join the Arts Club because of his lack of motivation and he couldn't join the Journalism Club because he hates showing anyone his works. He was too caught up in his thoughts that he almost snipped of a bloom.

" Watch out. Divine sees everything," warned Sage as though he remembered a bad memory.

" Thanks," murmured Aster as he cut off the last withered branch. Sage handed him a broom and he immediately swept the remains of the old branches off the path. Sage patted Aster's back and grinned.

" You can go now," he said and pushed him away. Aster bowed and waved a good-bye at the older boy.

Aster was glad to see the gate free of students. He checked his watch and saw that it was quarter past five. He had 45 minutes until his mother starts to worry. He smiled to himself and chose to just walk to his home.

He suddenly turned to his left and saw a black car with an open window speeding away, nearly hitting him. His jaw dropped but it's not because of the shock of being almost killed by the car. It was only a second but it was clear enough to see the silver bob, the pursed lips and eyes as green as apples. He had only met that person once but he'll never forget her face. It was Dianna's mom, Alonsa Oaks.

A/N: This is kinda rushed hehehe

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2013 ⏰

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