How the heck do I have 2 mates!

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Nick Bateman as Luis Jackson.


How the heck did I get two freaking mates, they're more like gods (don't freaking judge).

One had dark dirty blond hair with some black hair, hazel eyes, intelligent (maybe), and tall af, maybe 5'11-vampire

The other had black hair, dark green eyes, tall, intelligent(maybe), still tall, maybe 5'10- werewolf

They both caught me checking them out, why wouldn't I, and they both smirked, *cough* idiots *cough*

Then I noticed they were checking me out and I smirked. Worse part? There was only one seat ... in between both of the idiots. Great! Please note the sarcasm, just warning you know I'm so sarcastic. I'm going to make them mad *evil grin*

Sadly, the teacher hadn't walked in. So I have a plan: okay so I have a boyfriend and lunch will be after Language Arts just hope I can make it.


Finally, no offence to Mrs. A (I forgot the rest of her name so) the history teacher but I hate her class. Also language arts but Mrs. D was nicer ( Mrs.D name is mrs.dihavenoidea, not true but let's just say that) was in the hall by my locker.

"Hey babe" said a familiar voice. I heard a hiss and a growl but I ignored it.

"Hi, by the way, unluckily I found my mates, so I want to make them jealous a little help?" I said through private mind link. He nodded. Skylar, my boyfriend, now ex, leaned down and gave me a small (and last) lingering passionate kiss. Then I heard a louder growl and hiss.

"Let me go tease them a little bit and I really liked you as a boyfriend" I said then left him. I kind of felt bad, but oh well. Hopefully we can still be friends at one point.

"A little jealous there? No need to get jealous he is just my boyfriend." I said to them, innocently. They glared at me and Skylar.

"Mine!" They both exclaimed

"Okay, okay no need to get jealous! So my name's Natasha or Nash Gibson y'all are?"

The tall one (vampire) talked first, "I'm Jace (Jace) Sherman and he's Luis Jackson also known by you as your delicious, hot, and other things but the list would go on, mates."

Weird Tiffany's last name is Jackson but she only has a younger brother so not related; that I know of.

I scoffed, they are so conceited, vainglorious and egocentric, dumb*sses

"Okay y'all are seriously the hottest guys I've seen in all my life." I said with heavy sarcasm but it would be true.

Then I was pulled in to the janitor's room by my two sexy a*s, mates...wait did I just seriously think that?!

"Yes, you did sweetheart." Luis said.

Crap! Did I just say that out loud!

"Yes you did again sweetheart." Luis said.

Great! Please note again the sarcasm

Then I came back to reality, I was cornered by my two idiots of mates in a janitor's closet again, GREAT!

Then I felt someone's lips on mine: Jace's I quickly responded.

Then I felt Luis's hands and mouth roam my body but I didn't stop either.

"We'll continue this at my house, after school ."Jace said, all I could respond was a small nod.

"Okay now let's get to lunch we'll sit with you and your friends under one condition you sit on mine or Jace's lap or better yet in both share you half and half if you don't agree we could always skip school and go to Jace's house already?" Luis said.

"Let's get to lunch already!" I said, not wanting to seem in such a sl*t, if it were up to me, I would probably already be in their car.

This was going to be hell this semester well at least I decided to come in the middle of the year or this would be worse than hell.


They seriously weren't kidding they made me sit basically on both of their laps. FML.

"So I guess you finally met your mates" mocked Wesley.

"No shit , Sherlock." I said as I glared at him, always a 'smart one'.

"No need to be so mean, Dawn" The idiot called me by my freaking middle name!

"Wesley, I suggest to run now!" said Rebeca's mate, Scott.

Just as he started to run I hoped off my mates' laps and started to run after him . Luckly that smart/dumb a*s got away when Jace AND Luis stopped me but that wasn't enough my friends help them.Great friends I have!

I still could get past them but then Luis kissed me; immediately I responded but then I noticed that I just let Wesley got away!

Lucky b*tch... I hope nobody told him that I stopped going after him.Then, to distract everyone I kissed Jace then when everyone thought that I forgot I ran after Wesley.

Wesley is easy to catch because usually he leaves his thoughts for everyone to hear, *cough idiot cough*.

So I found him!

"Wesley we went over this never call me by my middle name got it?!" I said while I had my hand over his throat to pin him against the wall.  He nodded

"Last time okay or I'll be running till Canada or wherever to get you. Now bye Jace and Luis are coming so bye!"

Then I ran. Sadly my scent is very noticeable to my mates; A very familiar scent pinned me against the wall.

"You know it's not nice to turn on your mate like that then leave." Jace said then he or Luis picked me up bridal style to take me somewhere. I have a good and bad feeling my wolf had a good feeling though she doesn't talk much I could notice her mood.Bad thing? Let's say I'm a fan of that though I haven't had that not even with Skylar. So secret I'm a virgin.


So what do y'all think I'm take suggestions just leave a comment.
Also very slow editing so sorry :/

Word count - 1015

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