Starless Philosophy

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I could just wait until I can comfortably walk in a straight line again, but when you know that death is deserved and it's heading straight for you,  you can't simply ignore it. 

The white haired male sat up, a groan coming from deep in his throat escaped his jaws, all his joints crackling with each movement, he just embraced it though, popping all of his bones to loosen them up a bit, he knew this would hurt him in his old age -if he made it that far- but right now he was a long way from there, he was still young. Jack swung his legs over the edge of the four poster bed, he gritted his teeth, hanging his head as he gave himself a moment before standing up, if he could stand up, there was a chance he would just fall over again. He saw it as a metaphor for how is life was going currently, he'd worked so hard to stand up, only to be pushed back down so easily. But he'd try again no matter what, it may be harder to stand up again after such a hard fall, but he wasn't going to let everything go so easily! 

He screamed through clenched teeth as he stood up. 

Yes that's it bite through the pain, before the pain bites you. That's what he always said right? Heartless bastard, I can't believe he'd forgotten who I was. But no matter how hard I try I'd never forget him. 

Frost stood ridged, one leg in front of the other to support his balance. He shouldn't be moving yet, but it's been three days already since the duel with Hiccup Horrendous, -more like Hiccup the horrendously weak and forgetful king- and Jack hated just sitting around letting the world unfold around him, no, he wanted to do the unfolding, or more unhinging in his case. 

He started to slowly walk across the room, every muscle screaming and every bone creaking, but he ignored it, he didn't care how fragile or breakable his body was, he would break it a thousand times more he could get what he wanted, and that was Hiccup's head on a stick. He'd wave it around like a flag and beat people over the head with it, which was quite ironic, beating a head, using a head. He started to giggle at his twisted thoughts, his foot steps were machine like as me made his way over to the one window in his chamber. 

Once he made it there, he stopped briefly, pressing his hands to the windowsill as he leaned over panting and sweating, his eyes were wide open like doors into his soul. His bangs curled from the sweat he was profusely letting out of his pores. Jack suddenly straightened up and flung open the window, sticking his head out of it, grinning madly as the cool wind licked his cheeks. "Fuck you Hiccup Haddock! I will have your kingdom and your head! This is what you get for forgetting about me..." He shouted insanely out the window, everyone in the kingdom knew he was crazy already, but they didn't know the full extent of his... creativity, even now when they could see him shouting to someone who was presumably dead were sure this wasn't king Jack's complete insanity. 

Jack took a deep breath of the fresh autumn air, is face going from completely nuts to somewhat normal and content, in just a matter of seconds, his eyes narrowed towards the distance, his viciously insane grin turned into a more human like small smile. His hair shifted in the wind, he started to think to himself. 

My time here is limited, right now I'm pretty weak, I can't deny it, but I can't admit it yet either. My body wasn't built to handle this kind of mind or an over reactive adrenal gland that lets me go all out using the only strength I have to it's fullest, something I haven't taken advantage of in awhile, mainly because it's been awhile since I've hated someone so much. I might even have to thank Hiccup one day, the day I kill him, that will be my thank you gift for lighting such a scolding fire under me. I know he's not dead, in a strange unforgiving way I can feel his presence on this earth, is this what comes with an enemy? The only two reasons why he is my enemy, is because number one, I hate weak minded people, he's always doubting himself and acting weaker then what he actually is, never reaching his full potential, that really pisses me off. Number two he's completely forgotten who I am. Another reason I should thank him though, as I haven't had this much fun in ages. 

All these thoughts, all this contemplation swirling around in his head slowly but surely making him even more ill in the brain, dragging him down to dark places again, places he's been before, places where the walls are splattered in blood and sharp, cold, murderous blue eyes stare back him in the blood stained mirror. 

The white kings eyes twitched, his fingers curled into quivering fists, he let out a long breath which was instantly lost in the wind, before lifting an aching foot onto the windowsill, then using it to heave the rest of his body up. Now he was standing in the window, glaring down at the world below him, his robes flapping in the breeze. He held one pale foot over the edge of the stone sill. His breath rang in his ears, his heart pounded in his head, his optics couldn't stay in focus. 

If I'm not afraid of death, why does this terrify me? I know I can do it, my mind knows, but my body doesn't... It doesn't want to die. 

Suddenly, the heel of the one foot still supporting his fragile body on the stone windowsill shifted towards the edge unintentionally, Jack's eyes fell wide open as he heard the sound of bare skin slipping on smooth rock, his heat leaped with the sudden rush of fear that awakened his adrenal system, he twisted his body around so he was facing the wall and grabbed onto the wooden frame around the window pane with one hand, the tips of his fingers holding everything until he lifted up the other hand and grabbed a hold. He grunted with effort as he pulled himself upwards, but his fingers started to slip, he started to pant in panic as he struggled to keep a solid grip, his body flailing around as he tried to get his toes to find a crack in the stone so he could support himself. 

Jack looked down, the grass beneath him was blurry, the corners of his eyes were darkening, he even felt them starting to get hot with incoming tears. The ground seemed to be slipping further and further away from him. 

He heard footsteps coming from inside his chamber, causing him to snap his neck towards the sound. It was his loyal servant. "Well, Well. I never thought I'd see the day that Jack Frost himself would be looking up at me with such fear. Look at you, you're sweating profusely, it's even dripping off your hair." they said in a taunting voice as the other males hand gently caressed Jack's oddly cold and smooth skin, his fingers brushing against his hair which had curled again from the moisture. "It's just too bad, I'll never get to see it again. Sorry Jack." The male took his hand away with a grin before out of nowhere slamming the window shut on Jack's fingers. each bone crushing one by one taking what felt like an hour of agony each time. 

An ear piercing scream echoed through the lands scaring birds out of their tress, ravens disappearing into the darkening, yet somehow starless sky. 

Many miles away there was someone who swore they heard that exact scream, making them jump out of their skin and send shivers down their spine, but at the time they didn't think anything of it. Just someone walking over their grave...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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