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We stood off to the side of the group, just far enough away that nobody would be able to accidentally bump into us, but close enough that we were still technically part of the group. I felt restless as I bounced from one foot to the other, holding my arms to my chest and looking toward the group of people.

"Dan," I heard, making me look over at the boy standing next to me. His eyes were cautious and icy blue, and his hair was stuck to his forehead due to the sweat dripping from his skin. "Are you okay?"

I nodded at Phil and looked away, trying to hide the fact that I was actually very nervous. People were so close to me that they could walk over and touch me, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

A hand gripped my chin and my heart beat fast, before realizing it was just Phil making me look at him. I knew that if he looked at me for more than three seconds he would know immediately that something was wrong. I closed my eyes, trying to hide the nerves I felt.

I felt a soft kiss being pressed to my nose, making my eyes fly open. "Phil! Not in public!" I whispered angrily. He knew I didn't like public displays of affection, and the devious smile that crept on to his face showed that my reaction was his intent.

"Let's just go back to my dorm," Phil said, grabbing one of my hands in his. "We don't have to be here."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Phil, yes we do. This is the big opening event." Every year the university has a huge event where all the freshman get together on the Friday before classes and they release balloons into the sky, one for each incoming student. It's not a required activity, but I want to at least try to participate in as many events as I can while at college, for Phil's sake. "Plus, you know as well as I do that you would be bored out of your mind in your dorm."

Phil, who still had a smirk on his face, pulled me closer to him, so that we were almost chest to chest. He smelled like a mixture of vanilla and sweat that still managed to smell sweet. His eyes searched mine, and he whispered, "I can think of lots of things we could do in my dorm to entertain me."

I gulped and lowered my face so that he couldn't see me blush. "You're so ridiculous," I mumbled, but the offer was tempting. I would much rather be in one of our dorms then out here with all these strangers. I fought the urge to just say okay and let him take me back to his dorm. Phil wanted to be here. He was so excited about this, and even if this is the last thing I wanted to do right now, I wasn't going to let Phil leave.

"Okay everyone, come get a balloon!" Someone called through a megaphone, and the crowd pushed toward the source of the voice, excited to finally get a balloon. I looked anxiously away from Phil and toward the rambunctious group. How was I supposed to get through there without bumping anyone? If I even so much as made contact with another person, I would go into a very serious panic attack that I wouldn't be able to pull myself out of. I felt my heart speed up and my breath became harder to catch. Maybe staying at this thing was a bad idea after all, maybe I shouldn't have even come to college, if I can't even touch anyone how am I supposed to participate an anything, there's no point---

"Dan, hey, I'm gonna go get our balloons, so stay here, okay?" Phil's voice interrupted my frantic thoughts. He let go of me and started walking toward the crowd and I felt almost instant relief. I should've known Phil wouldn't let me walk through that. I chuckled softly at the fact that I let myself get so worked up.

I waited less than two minutes before I saw Phil jogging toward me with two balloons in his hand, one black and one yellow. He smiled when he noticed me watching him, and I returned the smile affectionately.

"Here you go," Phil said, handing me the black balloon. I looked at it, floating along held down by only a string.

"Thanks," I murmured.

"Alright, we're gonna release the balloons on the count of three!" The same voice from earlier called.

Phil grabbed my hand as we turned to face the source of the noise and the large group of people.

"One, two, three!"

I let go of my balloon and watched as all of the balloons rose slowly into the sky, looking like a colorful sheet rising. except for the yellow and black ones that belonged to me and Phil, as those soared up slightly separated from the rest.

I looked over at Phil and smiled. Maybe college isn't going to be so bad after all.


I'm back with a new fic! This is the sequel to Pest! I'm so excited that my story got 30k reads! That's incredible! When I first wrote this, I didn't think I'd even finish it. This was more of just something to keep me occupied, but I had so much fun writing it that I just kept going. And look where we are now! 30k reads! (The moral of the story is keep going even if u wanna stop bc maybe something great will come out of it)

Anyways, this is kind of a prequel/ sneak peak chapter, bc I'm in the process of writing as we speak!

The only thing is that my updates probably won't be very regular, seeing as I'm ALSO in college right now, and I'm going to be doing school plus writing this. I will try to post as frequently as I can tho.

I'm really excited about this. I hope this turns out well.

Thanks so much for sticking with me! I love u all so much.

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