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Present time.
Valentini headquarters, Milan.

The compound surrounding the huge building was dead silent.

It was filled with men, all of whom were standing in attention, holding their breaths as though waiting for something very important to happen.

Axel, who was a new recruit couldn't understand why suddenly everyone had left whatever job they were attending to, and gathered outside after receiving a phone call.

He was thoroughly confused but on the outside his face was as stoic as his counterparts, afterall, there was no place for emotions and feelings in the world which he was now a part of.

Just when it felt as though an age had passed, screeching tires could be heard approaching the compound gates. The huge iron gates were opened and one by one several black cars with tinted shields entered, stopping close to the main entrance.

The car doors opened and men with guns stepped out, some of them surrounding the one car from which no one had stepped out yet, as though guarding whoever was sitting in.

Not finding any threats upto their standards, one of them knocked on the window and called out,

“All clear, Sir”

The car door opened and out stepped a man seeing whom everyone gathered out bowed down to as a sign of respect and authority, Axel being one of them, despite his lack of knowledge about the identity of the new arrival.

The man must've signalled something because everyone started rising from their bowed position.

When Axel looked up to see who exactly he had bowed down to, his eyes automatically fell on the man who seemed to command authority by simply the way that he carried himself. At once Axel realized that he was someone very important and dangerous.

The man started walking inside the building followed by his entourage, his footsteps echoing ominously in the silence, and no sooner had he entered than everyone around him relaxed letting out inaudible sighs as though thanking whatever entity that were listening for another lease on their lives.

Seeing that everyone was now going back to whatever they were doing initially, Axel turned to the man who was standing right next to him.

He was Carlos White, a man in his mid 40's and also the commander of the team to which Axel was assigned to.

“Carlos, who was that man?”,Axel asked the older commander curiously.

Carlos looked at him as though he had grown two heads, disbelief crossing his face for a second before he composed himself and replied,

“How ignorant can you be, boy?”, he scoffed.

Turning around he started walking back inside the building leaving a bemused Axel behind him.

Axel watched him leave, before he followed him, calling out, “Come on, tell me”,he pleaded.

"Get back to your work now. Did I not assign you the duty of helping Antonio overlook the security arrangements for the night?", Carlos questioned him sternly.

“I will, just tell me who was that handsome hunk”, he said, winking, trying to lighten up the old coot's mood.

Before he could even blink he was roughly slammed against the wall. He closed his eyes briefly as pain shot through his back and opened them to stare in indignation at the man who had taken him under his wing.

“That handsome hunk can kill you in a hundred different ways before you even get a chance of opening your mouth to apologise for your ill timed jokes”, Carlos spoke seriously.

“He is dangerous, very dangerous. No one wants him as his enemy. Even his enemies fear him and know to keep their distance”, he spoke ominously.

His voice low and dark, sending a jolt of fear through Axel's veins.

“He is death in flesh for anyone who crosses his way.

He is the bringer of storm's on those who wrong him.

He is Valerio Valentini, the Don of Valentini empire and one of the most dangerous man in the whole world”

Hearing this Axels’ face contorted with disbelief and fear. Looking at his reaction Carlos let him go, satisfied. He smirked at his still shocked expression and continued walking inside to prepare himself for the upcoming meeting with his boss.


Hello everyone!
Thanks for reading my story. This idea has been in my mind for some time and I just needed to put it down in writing, hence this story :)

A/N: The chapter in italics denotes the flashback story which will form a major chunk of the story!

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