“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” Luke shouts, swerving the wheel of his car. He spins in a series of uncontrollable circles, eventually slamming into a light post. His airbag slams into him, and he finally manages to grab the door handle, pushing it open and climbing out. He turns and sprints away from the car as sirens follow close behind. He looks at the cars getting closer, and back at the switch car at the end of the street. He most likely wouldn’t make it. “Shit!” He shouts, and turns to run down an alley.
“Suspect on foot, proceeding into the alley!”
Luke runs faster, climbing over a fence. He jumps down and rolls, dropping his gun. He runs over to where it fell and grabs it. “Luke? Put the gun do-“
Luke stands up and wheels around, pulling his trigger before he can recognize Charlotte’s face.
Bang. Five.