Aliyah Del Valle

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Fang POV
I groaned as I got up from bed. Yesterday's events came into my head and...

Oh crap!

"Fang. You're awake!" Oni-san saod as he came inside my room.


"Your friends came running here after you were saved by Victor. Of course, Kaizo told them the truth." I knew it.

"You'll have to explain to them." Oni-san said as he removed my old bandages and replaced them with new ones.

"Ni-san...I''ll go to school." I said to him softly. He nodded and took out a clean set of uniform.

I silently walked to school. I was late one minute and I should be thrown into detention by Yaya. But...

She looked at me and wanted to write my name down, but her pen stopped halfway. I walked past her and to the class.

"Hi Fang!" Boboiboy greeted me as usual, but Gopal and Ying weren't really in their usual mood.

I guess now life isn't normal with my friends knowing my secret. Everyone particularly had their attention on me, maybe because I had bandages on my head?

"Class. We have a new student today. Her name is Aliyah Del Valle and please look after her." Cikgu Tini entered the class and introduced her to us.

She was quite preety, with dark chocolate hair and beautiful eyes. She sat at the empty seat at the corner of the classroom. Is it me or is something off with her?

The recess bell rang, and all of us dashed out the classroom. As I looked at Aliyah, she eyes bored into mine. But I started to have a chilly feeling.

When I arrive at the tree we always have lunch together, Aliyah was there. I thought maybe she wanted to befriend us so she went and talk to the rest of our friends.

"Hi Aliyah." I waved at her.

"Just call me Lia, Fang." She waved back at me.

I couldn't really remember what happened after recess, during lessons and after school. I just wanted to hurry back home.

"Hey Fang.  Told your friends already?" Ani-san asked.

"No. They seemed terrified." I could only spit this out.

"I'm sure they will understand. Just give them some time." Ani-san patted my head and walked off.

I never told my siblings about Aliyah Del Valle and the chilly feeling I had with her.

I walked to Tok Aba's kokotiam and Ochobot was there with Boboiboy. They both waved at me, as though they never knew that I'm different.

As I was sipping my chocolate drink, I turned to look at a tree where Aliyah was standing. She was eyeing at me this time dark black eyes. Her voice entered my head.

Beware. Fang no Mikoto. Kin no Hana will be in my master's hand soon.

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