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Its your typical high school romance story. 

The different cliques, ya know; the musicians, the skaters, the nerds and then the populars.

Then there is the one jock jerk boy every girl openly admits to loving because its purely 'the status quo.'

And lastly, there's the invisible geek girl that secretly is too, in love with the jock jerk, though she wont even admit it to herself.


I myself, am considered a nerd. Your typical quiet genius. Not so typical looks though, I'm not saying I'm drop dead gorgeous, but I'm not considered ugly, for a nerd. Plus, even though I never do, my main ideal 'sport' is talking. I like to consider it a sport since there really isn't any other actual fitness that I'm good at. I'm pretty funny, and I can pick a pretty dang good topic, but my shyness nearly always gets the best of me. Stage fright to the extreme, my lovelies. Some call it socal awkwardness, which is more simply put as "people fright". I also don't really stick to the whole, glasses and suspenders thing, nor the cliche activities. For example:

I don't find school fun.

I don't do work as a hobby.

I don't get an A+ on every assignment.

And I CERTAINLY do not like homework.

I'm just... smart.

But I don't understand why the populars think that's a bad thing. What if high school was backwards? The total brainiacs would be better known as populars and the jocks would become small little people who were outcasted by previously stated 'populars.' 

So that was an extremely long path into my thoughts.

To the main simple part,

Introducing, me. 

Dylan Boren.

Back to the plot. The MAIN main part of this whole epilouge. I am considered the nerdy girl who falls deeply in love for this jerky jock. The jerky jock role is awarded to non other than Braxton Stewart. The total 'hotty' of our school. Everyday he walks the halls being showered with girls' phone numbers, some of  the girls already in a relationship. How desperate can you get?

Well. This, is the story of me, Dylan, meeting this "jerk jock", Braxton, and finding out he's more than I thought he was.

~Hey guys, I was just reading this... And with the whole, nerds, skaters, populars and musicians and the whole "status quo" thing... I TOTALLY THOUGHT OF HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. THEY SING THAT SONG THATS LIKE STICK TO THE STATUS QUOOOOOOOO, OH! NO NO NO! 

I thought I should share this discovery with you.

Thankyou for your time.

Happy Holidays.


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