Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

I walked into my English classroom, already knowing my place, I sat in the front row, the seat farthest to the left.  I looked to my right, on the other side of the room, I saw airhead Barbies flirting with the football players. It was as if the whole team had the same exact classes. They probably did, since our school's principal, Mr. Philip, is all about football. I then spotted the 'hottest' boy in school, Braxton Stewart. I gagged as I watched the plastic cheerleaders flirt with him and twirl their hair, practically throwing themselves at him. The kid was good looking, but he lacked a few things. Like, courtesy and brains. Those would be helpful. I laughed to myself at the desperate girls' faces when they realized class was about to start and they sat in different rows. The football team all sat together, we had assigned seats in this class and they  'just so happen' to sit right next to each other.

Mr. Clarke walked in, striking his wood desk with a pointer stick. 

'Today, class," he began, "I will be assigning you partners for your projects,"

I sighed and hoped I wouldn't be partners with a complete and total idiot. As he read down the list of names, I kept my fingers crossed that I would get someone smart-ish.

Then he read off my name, "Dylan Boren and Braxton Stewart," I heard other girls sigh that they weren't partners with him. 

No really, please, take him!

I looked over at the back of the opposite side of the room, found Braxton, and shuttered as he stared out the window hopelessly. How am I going to survive this?


Once Mr. Clarke finished pairing students, he excused us to decide what, exactly, we were going to do for our projects. I sighed as I lifted myself out of my seat and piled my books one on top of the other. I made my way over to the back of the room, sighing that he probably didn't even know we were partners. I was suddenly stopped by two of the crayon faced cheerleaders.

They scowled at me before one of them said, "if you even think that because you two are partners that you can suddenly become Braxton’s 'friend,'" ahe said adding the air quotations, "then think again,"

What? Isn't this a little pre-mature? I mean, I haven't even talked to the kid yet... in my life. Never a word. And now this?

"Like I'd want to become an airhead barbie who thinks she's friends with him... like you," I retorted.

"Just know your place, Boren." She spat before her and her friend waltzed off in step.

I rolled my eyes, then joked to myself, "idiots."

That was loud, I hope they didn't hear that. But I guess they already should know, otherwise, they're morons, (more so than I thought.)

I walked up to Braxton. He was still looking out the window. I slid into the seat next to him, he still didn't move. I slammed my books down, in reaction, he jumped and was looking at me, scared. 

"I'm here," he said. I would laugh, but I wont let him think that I like him. This, is pure business.

"We're partners for the project, and we need to discuss what exactly we should do for the project," I stated simply. 

"Well, you're the lucky girl this time, huh?" he said winking at me.


"Look," I snapped, "just because you've got just about every girl head over heels for you, does not mean I am, now stop before you make a fool of yourself trying to make my heart 'melt' because it wont work. Just be yourself and pretend that you are just another person in this world, because that, is just what you are." I demanded harshly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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