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Hannah's POV

I looked at Kara as Mark turned a corner to the hospital. "Kara! What's going on?" I asked in worry. The only reason we could be going is for Heidi. She seems happy, so I'm assuming that it's something good. But like Heidi always says, never assume. "Heidi! She's awake! And she's asking for us!" Kara said in pure joy. A strange happiness filled me. I broke out in a grin as we pulled into the Hospital parking lot. Mark cut the engine and we all bolted out of the car. We all rushed inside and to the front desk. "Heidi Sutter?" Me and Kara asked in unison. The lady smiled. "Room four eighty-two." She said. "Wait." mark said as we started to the door. We turned to him in confusion. "You don't need to see any ID?" He questioned. She smiled. "Miss Sutter was very descriptive of the people she wants to see." she said. "Even gave us a drawing." She said as she held up two drawings. That's defintely Heidi's art work. We smiled and dashed into the doors and down the halls. Four seventy-nine, four eighty, four eighty-one, four eighty-two! Me and Kara stopped at the door and panted. Mark and Jack hurried after us and panted. "Did you have to fucking run?" jack asked as he panted. Me and Kara opened the door and entered. "Heidi!"

Heidi's POV

I looked over as my name was called. I smiled as I saw Kara and Hannah. "What's up sluts?" I asked as they smiled brightly. They ran over and leaped into the bed. "No-no-no!" I exclaimed. They landed on me and I groaned. Don't they know I have a bad leg. My heart monitor raised and they scrambled from me. I waited til the heart monitor lowered and I sighed in relief. The pain in my leg subsided and I smiled at them. "Guess they didn't tell you I've got a bad leg." i said as I laughed nervously. They smiled and crawled in next to me. I smiled as they hugged me. It's good to see them again. I freaking hate hospitals. "Are you okay?" Hannah asked. "For now. They said I can be released soon. They said they've never seen such fast healing." i said as I smiled. Hannah smiled and we leaned back onto the bed. "So, what's wrong?" Kara asked. "Welp. That piece of metal that embeded into my arm was really nasty. Won't be able to use my left arm for about two weeks at the least." I said as I showed my left arm that Kara was next to. "And my right leg, seems that a few tiny pieces of metal shot through and hit some nerves, so I'll be in a wheel chair for about one week for that." I said as I wiggled my legs. I smiled as they giggled. I turned and I saw Mark and Jack. "What's up boys?" I said as I smiled. "Nothing much." mark said as he came over and sat beside Kara. Jack sat beside Hannah and I smiled. "Now I hope you've been taking care of my girls." I said as I gave them a look. They laughed and nodded. "They were pretty bummed this morning." jack said. I nodded. "And I think I know half of it." i said as I turned to the TV. "I heard about what happened to PAXington." I said. Kara nodded with Hannah. 

Jack and Mark nodded as I looked at the door. "Yeah, pretty strange. Vandalising the shops? Pretty rash." Kara said. I agreed as Hannah shifted beside me. I turned as there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said. The door opened and in came Amy. "Hey, Amy!" I said as I smiled. "Morning, sunshine!" Amy greeted as she pushed her black framed glasses  onto her nose. Her green eyes held care and compassion. Her blonde hair up in it's normal bun. "Well, all we have to do is have you sign some papers and you're free." Amy said as she came over with a clipboard. Hannah and Kara got off the bed as I was handed the clipboard. I was given a pencil and I read over the papers. Pretty easy, just some release papers and files. I signed where my name should be and I handed it back to her. "Alright, I'll get a doctor here to give you some clothes and wheel chair." Amy said and then left. I smiled as Hannah pulled out her phone. "Selfie!" She said as she aimed the camera to capture us all. I smiled and winked at the came as I made a peace sign.

A doctor came in and handed me some clothes and a wheelchair rolled in. The boys waited outside as Kara and Hannah helped me change. A simple pair of pants that were black and a long sleeved black shirt with some black shoes. Kara helped me into the wheel chair as Hannah grabbed my necklace. I put it one and I adjusted my glasses. Kara pushed me out and we met the boys in the waiting room. Mark smiled as he came over with Jack. "Let's roll out!" I said in my best Maximum Prime voice. They laughed as Kara rolled me out the doors. We made it to the car and Mark opened the door. Jack easily picked me up and sat me in the middle. The girls hopped in as the boys put the wheel chair in the back. I smiled as I buckled up. I've never sat in the back before. Everyone got in and buckled up and we were off. "So, where to?" Jack asked as we drove down the street. "Well, I was thinking..." Hannah said. I turned to her as did Kara. "What about McDonald's?" She asked. My eyes widened as I broke out into a grin. "Yes!" I shouted with Jack and Mark. "Onward to Miky D's!" Mark said as he turned down a road. I smiled as Jack turned on the radio. "My first kiss went a little like this!" Blasted from the stereo. "YASS!" I shouted with Kara. We sang the song as we pulled into the parking lot. Mark parked in a handicap spot and put up my tag. The song was cut short as Mark cut the engine. "Awww...." We whined as the boys chuckled. We all got out, Jack picking me up as Mark got out my wheel chair. Jack gently sat me down and he held the handles. We hurried inside due to the cold and I smiled. The smell of french fries made my mouth water. "Alright. What're we getting?" Jack asked excitedly. "A double cheese burger, plain with ketchup only. medium french fries, and a medium drink with a McFlurry Oreo." I said quickly. Jack turned to me with a surprised face. "Is that what you order every time you come here?" He asked. "No." I said. He frowned at me. "I normally get two McChiken's mayo, two large fries, a large soda, and one McFlurry and One Cherry pie." I said as I looked up at him, since he was guiding me. He gave me a horrified look. "Who pays for it?" He asked. I smiled. "Me." I said as I looked forward. "Bloody hell, how are you not fat?" He asked as we came up next. 

"Magic!" I said in a mystical voice. He laughed as the others ordered. I said mine and then Jack did. "that'll be sixty-four, ninety-three." The man said. Mark paid and we left to find a table. I was set up at a low table and the others sat around me. "Our number is three-hundred and forty-nine." Mark said as he read the receipt. I nodded and I sat there. "here." Kara said as she handed me my phone. "Oh! Kara I love you!" I exclaimed as I took my phone and hugged it. The others laughed as I unlocked my phone. I smiled as I looked at my notifications. Normal. I stopped when I saw I got a message from an unknown number, probably Jake again. I opened the text and I froze. 

Oh no.

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