The Dream

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Well, here it is finally for my wonderful readers.....

Love ya!



BTW, I've just recently dedicated this story to one of my best fans and I love her stories as well...

I love you girl!!!!! Thanks for all the comments, votes, and likes that you've ever given me.


However, I would also like you dedicate it to my Mother. She died almost four years ago. 30-May-2011 will be 4 years. I actually started writing this story shortly after she died. I used to talk about writing all the time and then finally got into it after she died... I have dreams like Denise in the story, and that's also how I got her name is b/c my Mother's' first name was Denise. R.I.P. I love you Mama. I will see you someday up there in heaven.



Denise suddenly woke up in a cold sweat. She'd had that dream again... the same one that she'd been having for a while now. She hated having these dreams.

Like her mother, and her mother's mother, and so forth as far back as time can go... The first daughter in each family have always had these dreams the same as Denise was having. Once the daughter gets it, it gets passed down to the next generation... and so forth.

*Flash Back*

She was sitting at her kitchen table when a handsome man came in, kissed her and said...

"Morning baby, how did you sleep? I'm off to work."

She then told him, "It was an okay night last night. Okay, have a good day, Lynn. Don't forget we have to be at the school at six tonight for Elisabeth's recital."

"I know baby, I will be there. Today is going to be a slow day anyway, and I've already told everyone that I will have to leave earlier today than usual, so they all know."

After he hugs and kisses her he quickly walks down the steps to his car.

*End Flash*

"What the heck? Who are Elisabeth and Lynn?" She quietly thinks to herself.


So, what do you think so far?

What do you think should happen, and who are Elisabeth and Lynn?


Sorry everyone, I know its really short.

I will try to make the next one longer.... No promises though.

Love ya!




(Just a suggestion)



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