chapter one

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"sir your going to be late for your meeting!"said Jafar as he ran after the idiotic king Sinbad and secret lover of his. "I know, I know" he muttered as he started to walk faster towards the meeting hall. Sinbad opened the door and took his seat. Jafar sat next to him apologizing for their lateness.

*Time skip* (middle of the meeting)

(Sinbad P.O.V)

Jafar was starting to fall asleep on my shoulder as the meeting progressed. I tried to wake him up by nudging him, but instead of waking up he started to snore lightly. I picked him up and excused us. I then carried him to his room where I placed him on the bed and sat in the chair next to it and started to read a book.

*Time skip*(jafar's room one hour later)

(Jafar P.O.V)

I woke up in my room, I look up to see my boyfriend Sinbad reading a book. He looks so serine sitting there the setting sun coming through the windows and illuminating the room in a warm orange glow. He looks over to see me staring and smiles as he comes over to sit next to me on the bed. I look down at my lap and fiddle with my hands, blushing as I thank him for bringing me to my room. He smiles as he lifts my chin to look at him. I slowly close my eyes as he leans in to kiss me. The kiss was soft and sweet but hinted to something more. He soon breaks the kiss and stands up reaching his hand out to help me up. I take his hand standing up. We walk together to the dinning room where everyone was eating. Sharrkan runs towards me and puts an arm around my shoulder and pokes my cheek teasing me about falling asleep during the meeting. "I was up all night doing work for Sin! It's not my fault I fell asleep! And besides it's not like I needed to be at the meeting!" I shouted at him trying to push him off. After I pry him off I walk over to where Sinbad was flirting with one of the co empires princesses. I walked up behind him with a glare that could kill and stared at the princess until she excuses herself and walks away.

(Sinbad P.O.V)

I turn around to see Jafar staring at me with a glare that could kill. I smile and pat the seat next to me. He walks over and sits down next to me. He blushes as I lean in to whisper in his ear I say "I have to flirt with girls so no one starts to figure out that you are my lover, you know how people would react if they found out their king was dating his adviser?!" I said sympathetically. "I know but just because you have to doesn't mean I enjoy watching you do it!" he says defensively. I smile and lean in to whisper to him again I say "don't worry you are the only one I want" he blushes and pulls away, I smile at his red face. We finish eating and retire for the night. At around eleven when everyone is asleep I hear a light knock at my door I walk over to find Jafar standing there I let him in and we crawl in to bed and fall asleep not knowing that Sharrkan was watching.

*Authors note*
Hello and welcome to the first chapter of this story!
This is the first story I have ever written so please no flames thanks!!
All characters belong to there creaters!

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