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I watch as the sun sets and I am still awake when it once again rises, I feel exhausted but my mind won't let me sleep, it's too busy over analysing the past few days. Even though Mr J has hurt me so much I still feel as though I want to be close to him, he makes me feel safe. Eventually I give up and go through to his room, Harley is fast asleep in his arms and I feel a pang of jealousy and disappointment. Even though I tap Mr J's shoulder gently, he turns to look at me and pulls away the blankets slightly. I assume it is an invitation so I climb in next to him and get as close to him as possible. His arms wrap around me making me cringe at the feeling against the cuts but I don't pull away. I feel his breath slow down and become more even, I can tell he is asleep. After what feels like hours and probably is at least one I feel movement on the bed, Harley has woken up. I hear her light footsteps pad around to the side of the bed I was laying on. I feel a light touch on my forehead and a gentle whisper in my ear.

"I'm so so sorry, pet." She moves away and I hear the door creak open then click shut again. Finally some of my pain has subsided. Once again I feel movement.

"She is going to have to learn to call you darling." I hear Mr J speak, my body tenses. What if I get beaten again because she got too close to me? I'm still aching from the last one.

"Come on, darling. Lets get up." He pats my head and when I stand I notice the red stains I had left on the sheets. My hand shoots up to my mouth as I sigh at the sight and I notice my night gown is covered in maroon stains too. Mr J notices where my gaze has fallen and his emotions flash with what looks like.. concern? Before I can start apologising for the mess he cuts off my thoughts.

"Lets get you cleaned up... again." He stands and leads me to a different bathroom. Luckily this time I can bathe myself but he commands that I stand in my underwear and a bra once I am done. I let the water wash over me, stinging in every cut. I get out and pat myself dry, knocking on the door when I am done to let Mr J he can come in. He has boxes that look unopened.

"I had to send Rocco out to get these but I'm sure their what we will need." He mumbles as he stars rubbing in some type of cream and covering me in bandages. My body twitches and cringes at the touch but when he is done I am grateful. Even if I do look like a mummy who is trying to break out.

"At 12 I want you and Harley in the gym, she will show you where it is." He finishes closing up the boxes and leaves me to get dressed. I decide on a pair of black sweatpants and a loose fitting shirt that said 'Jokers Pet' and to finish off the look I put on my choker or as Mr J would call it my collar. I make my way down to the kitchen to see Harley eating pancakes.

"Mr J wants us in the gym at 12." I mumble. I can't eat so I retreat to the study. I pick up the book closest to me which turns out to be a novel titled '22 dead little bodies.' Intrigued by the title I decide to cuddle up on the comfy old armchair. The novel was only small and by the time Harley came for me to take me to the gym I am on the last page.

"Lets go, pet." She says waiting for me to finish the last few sentences. I place the book down and follow her to the basement. Fear overwhelms me and I find myself stopping half way down the stairs. I am terrified to go further, bad things were down there, hidden in the dark.

"Pet come on!" Harley calls out desperately, I can tell she doesn't want risk being late. I can't move myself, I am stuck shaking in fear. Tears start falling and I collapse. I can't go down there, I don't trust her. She might kill me. Harley hurries off without me and goes through the first door on the left. I stay, heart pounding, body quivering, breath uneven. Dizziness consumes me and I can't see straight. In moments I see a flash of green and hear shouts. A hand is placed on my shoulder and I am heaved up. I wrap my arms desperately around who I can only assume is Mr J. Still shaking I feel myself lifted up and taken into the room. I expected to see white and a bed but instead I saw a gym. I try to regulate my breath and calm my mind. Mr J rubs my back gently as I slowly try to ground myself into the moment. After a few minutes the tears have stopped and I feel slightly normal again.

"You okay now, darling?" Mr J's sweet voice asks. I nod and stand up supporting myself.

"Harley!" Mr J calls out, I look over to see Harley swinging from rope to rope at least 6 metres from the ground. She swings down a tumbles elegantly to the floor, walking over to us.

"Darling, soon you will be coming on us for work and in order to do that we need you to learn and understand a few things. Since you're a pet we are going to start off with basic commands that you must memorise." Mr J starts.


By the time we finish it is 21:00 and I feel exhausted but still not hungry. I have been tossed across the room, forced to fall from heights and not let myself die and I have been taught some commands that Mr J will use when we go on his little jobs. I want to lay down and sleep but when I get to my room I feel wide awake. I feel as though I have had 10 cups of coffee and I am not going to sleep any time soon. Once again I am stuck watching the light from in-between the curtains. When it is completely black outside I decide to go back down to the basement and through to the gym. I make my way over to the silk hanging from the roof. I had always loved working with it during dance lessons. I pull myself up and start swinging, adjusting myself to slowly preform a routine I had learnt when I was 18. I hum the lyrics to myself in order to try and get the right timing. After going over it 7 times I feel exhaustion over come my body and I feel myself fall asleep while still hanging from the silk.

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