Chapter 5: Lady Carmichael

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Later that day, you were helping Mrs Hudson cleaning up her kitchen when you heard a knock at the door. "Oh, dear. Who could that be?" Your aunt asked, aloud. "I think I know, Aunt Martha. I'll answer it, since it's for Mr Holmes." You said and walked to the front door of the flat.

You opened the door and see an elegantly-dressed woman on the doorstep. "Is this the residence of Mr Sherlock Holmes?" She asked you. "Yes, m'lady. I presume you are Lady Carmichael." You replied and she nods. You open the door wider and step aside to let her in.

"Is Mr Holmes here?" She asked as she walked in.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll show you to his flat." You said and lead her up the stairs.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you Miss (Y/N) (L/N)? From Doctor Watson's stories?" She asked as you got to the top of the stairs

"Indeed I am, ma'am." You answered.

"Oh, Mr Holmes must be a lucky man." She said.

You turn around to her and replied "Oh no, it's not like that...we are just close friends." You stammered, nervously. Lady Carmichael gave you a look like she didn't believe you. You swallowed and turned around and knock on the door and opened it.

"Mr Holmes, Lady Carmichael is here." You said.

"Ah, her in." Sherlock said and you opened the door wider and let Lady Carmichael in. You pull out the clients chair, as John and Sherlock likes to call it, and motioned for her to sit.

John was sitting in his chair, so was Sherlock and you walked over and grabbed another chair and placed it in between their chairs. "Mr Holmes, I have come here for advice." She said.

"That is easily got." Sherlock replied.

"And help." said Carmichael.

"Not always so easy." He muttered.

"Something has happened, Mr Holmes-something...unusual and...terrifying." She stated.

"Then you are in luck." Sherlock said.

"Luck?" She scoffs.

"Those are my specialisms." He said, smiling at her. He turns to you and John and said. "This is really promising."

"Holmes." John muttered.

You ignore the men and turn you attention to Carmichael. "Please do tell us what has so distressed you, m'lady." You said.

"I-I thought long and hard as to what to do, but then, er, it occurred to me that my husband was an acquaintance of Mr Holmes's brother and that, perhaps through him...." She trails off and you tilt your head at her, enquiringly.

Sherlock copies your action as Carmichael said. "The fact is, I'm not sure this comes within you purview, Mr Holmes."

"No?" Sherlock asked, puzzled.

"Lord help me, I think it may be a matter for a priest." She said and starts her story.

Few days ago, Lady Carmichael and her husband, Sir Eustace Carmichael, and their two children were eating dinner when a footman brings in a silver plate with a letter and a letter opener on it. Sir Eustace opens the letter and looks inside it and freezes in horror.

Lady Carmichael asked him what's wrong and he wouldn't respond. She asked the kids to go play as she approach her husband and asked again what's wrong. He said it was nothing but she grabbed the envelope and poured out five orange pips on to her hand.

She laughs, thinking its a joke but Eustace is appalled that she laughed at it. She asked what does the pips mean. "Death." He replied and his eyes were full of tears, but he pulled himself together and laughs as well. He kept saying it was nothing to worry about and left the room.

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