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Hello, I'm the CEO of Shining Diamond Entertainment. We want all of our idols to shine bright like a diamond does, so we hope you become a trainee here and follow your dreams of debuting!

There are a few rules though:
Be nice!
Add the book to your library!
Follow me (Optional, it's just easier for you to get updates!)
Please don't all apply for girl slots! I've seen this in many other apply fics, where they don't have enough males to debut an male group and all the male trainees are left waiting.
Vote! This just helps me see if you are actually checking this book!
Please answer the Evaluation Questions. The trainees have evaluation questions, and it'll give you points, the more points you have, easier it is to debut soon!
Enter a password to show you've seen the rules. The password is your favourite kpop group!

I hope I'll see you all apply, for now I'm signing out!

Shining Diamond Entertainment (Apply Fic, Always Open)Where stories live. Discover now