16. It's a dream. It's all a dream

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AN: OML 2k views!! 

November 8, 2013

Liza's POV

I am sitting on my bed. I scroll through vine and notice that someone named @DavidDobrik started following me. I go onto his profile and he revined all of my posts. I smile and turn off my phone. I stare at my ceiling. I start to drift off to sleep. Before I actually have a chance to sleep, I'm woken up.

Leila: "Liza can you come down here!"

Liza: "Yeah sure."

I walk down the stairs into the kitchen. I see my mom and dad in the kitchen. 

Liza: "What is it?"

Liza's Dad (AN: let's say Eric but I think I said his name was mark in a different chapter oops just go with it): "Well Liza, we are going to move back to Houston."

I stare at my parents' faces. This can't be happening. We moved here right before I was born. I love it here. I feel like I am in a dream. My vision blurs with tears. My only instinct is to run and hide in my room.  I start crying into my pillow. Breathe Liza. Just breathe. I steady myself and grab my phone. I open the phone app

Liza: "Hello?"

Gabbie: "Hey girl! What's up?"

Liza: "Could I maybe stay at your house for a few nights?"

Gabbie: "Sorry I'm grounded. My parents don't want me to have friends over."

Liza: "Oh ok."

Gabbie: "Sorry. Talk to you later."

Liza: "Yeah bye."

I hang up. Calling someone else.

Liza: "Hi."

David: "Hey!"

Liza: "Umm would you mind if I stay at your house for a few days?"

David: "Yeah totally! You can come over. What time?"

Liza: "Maybe 30 minutes?"

David: "Ok see you then."

Liza: "Thanks."

I hang up and sigh. I'm relieved that I can get out of this house for a few days. I pick up a backpack, and I put some clothes in there. I pack just enough. I also add everything else I would need. I grab my computer and phone charger and put them into a smaller backpack. I slowly walk downstairs leaving the note for my parents in the dining room. I open the back door and exit quietly. 

After walking a few blocks, I find myself at David's house. I walk up to the door and knock.

David: "Hey Liza!" 

He greets me with a hug. I try to force a smile, but I can't.

David: "Are you ok?"

Liza: "No." 

I look down at the ground and burst into tears. David pulls me inside and closes the door. I look around and see that no one is home. I look up at David who is clearly worried.

David: "Liza. What's wrong. You are scaring me."

Liza: "My family is moving back to Texas."

David: "Wait, you aren't staying in Los Angles?"

I shake my head, and I'm still crying. David pulls me over to the couch and I fall onto his chest. He rubs my head and tries to calm me down. 

David: "It's ok. It's ok."

Liza: "No David. No! It's not ok! I won't get to live here, I won't get to go to the same school, and I won't see you every day!"

David: "I am sure your parents won't move after they see you this upset!"

Liza: "Hopefully."

*A few hours later (Night time now)*

I finish the can of soup that David made. 

Liza: "Thanks."

David: "Soup makes everything better."

Liza: "Wait so where is the rest of your family?"

David: "They went on a camping trip thing. I didn't want to go so I stayed here."

Liza: "Oh ok."

David: "Want to watch a movie?"

Liza: "Yeah. I would love that."

I smile and for once today, forget that I will be moving.

David: "What do you want to watch?"

Liza: "Umm... I don't know. Mean girls?"

David: "Seriously?"

Liza: "Hey you asked!"

We both laugh. 

David: "Ok."

We start watching. 

*After the movie* 

I yawn and stretch my arms. 

David: "You tired?"

Liza: "Yeah."

David: "Ok well I will sleep on the couch."

Liza: "No It's ok. I can sleep on the couch you can sleep in YOUR bed."

David: "Liza I am not making you sleep on the couch!"

Liza: "Well I'm not letting you sleep on the couch either!"

David: "Why are you difficult?"

Liza: "Ok well you are sleeping in your bed."

David: "And you are sleeping in my bed."

Liza: "I guess we are both in your bed?"

David: "That's not weird right?"

Liza: "No we are friends."

I walk up to David's room. I think about the first time I saw it. It has changed so much! David leaves the room and I change. I'm sleeping in a crop top and sweatpants. I slip in under the covers and I hear the door open.

David: "Hey so I brought you a pillow."

Liza: "Thanks."

David: "I like your shirt."

Liza: "Thanks." 

I turn my head to the wall and David changes. His bed is right up against a wall. So one side is on the wall and one isn't. I am on the wall side. I feel the bed sink. My back is to his back.

David: "Goodnight Liza."

Liza: "Goodnight David." 

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