chapter 10 - the dark room

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Aris was now afraid together with John. Today was the day they were convicted in the dark room.

On the court room the council were all there.

"There were only kids" - Leah

"So? We will disregard our rules?" - Sarah

"Leah, Sarah was correct even if they're just kids, rules is rules." - Red

"Your highness what will be your decision?" - Eric

"It will not be fair, if we will disregard what happen. But its my son I don't know" - Queen Amanda

"Our queen, dark room was not safe for them, they were new here those wild animals there might harm them." - Leah

"But if we don't put them there, it will happen again and maybe everyone will do the same mistake and will think its unfair if we give them the punishment and for this two we don't." - Sarah

"Both of you had a point. And as a queen we still need to do it. They will stay in the dark room for 3 days." Queen Amanda.

John and Aris arrive on the court room. Red welcome them and announce what the council had decided.

"The council had decided, due to disobeying the rule, you two were seen awake and out of your bed, you are been ordered to sleep in the dark room for 3 days. Your wands will be surrendered with us" - Red

"No! This can't be! Let us explain" - aris

"Aris this is not the time" - john

"They need to hear our explanation. We decided to go out to bed that late night because we are seeking to have a clue because we found out that prof. Greg and prof. Rey had something to do with the two professors disappearance" - Aris

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