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Hey guys Ace here and welcome to a new begin of a book please leave a vote a comment and if you like you can follow me too enjoy this chapie~~~



Lucy's POV

My name is Lucy Heartfilia I live in a apartment in happy-go-lucky town called Magnolia

You may know me as the creator of a book called Fairy Tail (A/N: I know I know hiro mashima is the one that created fairy tail and I know I know Fairy Tail isn't a book it's a manga tell you what I'm the author and I can do what I want on this book okay! So be quite and continue on with the story geez!)

Yes I was the one that created Fairy Tail I know I know your probly saying "What the heck Lucy you put yourself on your book that's so low girl" well the book was base on a real life experience I couldn't help but to put myself in the book with my inspirations that is

At the moment I'm here sitting and writing a random story on my desk I was tired of writing so I decided I was going to take a little nap until I heard the doorbell rang

*Ding Dong*

"Ugh! Who could that be?" I said while getting out of the bed and go down stairs I reached the door and open it alittle I peeked out off the tiny opening that I've made to see who it was but decided to just asked "Who is it?" I asked "Lucy? It's me Silvia" she said (A/N: just I random character I made up) "Silvia?" I said/questioned trying to think if I heard taht name before "Yeah Silvia I'm here with your niece Ace" she said (A/N: I'm not low I just want to be in a chapter or so) oh now I remember who Silvia is she's the college friend that I have and asked me if I can be the aunt of her daughter "SILVIA! IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME!!!" I said/yelled(?)

I opened the door to see the beautiful woman with a beautiful girl clang into her arms "*giggles* hello Lucy I'm sorry I just visit now and I'm sorry to ask you for such I huge favor but can you please take care off Ace? I have to go to an important meeting so please watch over her" she beg I looked at the girl staring at me "um....?" I don't know what to say should I? I have my own work to but.....maybe I should I don't have an office that I do my work on I just work at home yeah I can take care of a child "yeah sure I can take care of Ace" I said to her "Really? Thank you so much!" She thanked me "I really have to go Ace baby girl please be behave and don't cause any trouble please! Thank you again Lucy now I must go bye~!" She said and run to the door opened it and closed it. It created a bang noise that spooked me alittle

"Feeling comfortable?"I looked at the little girl and asked "*nods*" she nod "so what do you want to do?" I asked her and kneel down to her level "I heard mommy say you like reading and making books.....would you mind if I read one or two please?" She asked and puppy eyed me huh? A kid that likes to read books I never thought that kids this days are still into books....I just smiled at her and lead her to my office *COUGH! ROOM COUGH!*

(A/N: very professional Lucy 😂👏👌)

I opened the door to the room I saw her face with an surprised face ('o') "WOW!" I heard her mumble "*giggles* you like it this is where I spend my time when I do my work I also use this room for inspiration for the stories that I'm going to make since the book shelf was full off books that are very interesting" I said to her "u-um....can I-" I cut her off "you wanna read the books don't ya sure feel free to do so just don't touch any papers that are scattered around the room I might still need them ask me if you found a book of your liking I can tell ya where I got it and the origin of the story I've been here almost 5 years so I know this book from the back of my head" I said with confidence

(A/N: Lucy is 23 years old)

"*giggles* there're so many books here I don't think a human being can memories such things" she said thinking that what I've said was a bluff "sure I may forgotten some  but I still most off this books" I've said "for example this book is called "Broken Mirror" I got it from a book sale that took place here at magnolia if I do remember this book is all about this girl finding a mirror and talking to the being that is trapped in the mirror the being on the mirror asked if she chould help it to be free from the mirror the girl can get one wish from it the girl wants to wish something so bad that's why she did what the being said she manage to get it free from the mirror the being asked her what was her wish and the girl said "I wish this world whould end" the wish came true the world came to an end and so did the book" I told her the story of the book I didn't realise that she was reading another book and wasn't listening to me at all I saw her face while she was reading she was interested in the story

"Watcha reading?" I asked "hm? Oh I found this book laying on the ground it's called "Fairy Tail" I just got past a few pages and it's pretty interesting whould you like to read it with me?" She said it's been a while since I actually read Fairy Tails so why not? I saud to myself "yeah sure"

Time Skip~~~ after they finish the Book

"The End" she said while closing the book "hey miss heartfilia since you said you know this book by the back of your head where did you get this book?" She asked and looked at me "I actually made this book this was the first copy and I was pretty happy with it" I said at her and smiled as I remember the day I finish the book "WOW! REALLY YO MADE THIS BOOK THAT'S AWSOME!!!" She said with amazement "*giggles*" I giggled at her reaction "say what was your inspiration to making this book?" She asked "I know that every book has it's own backstory so please tell!" She beg I looked at her and say her determination that pushed me on telling her"My inspiration on this book was a real life experience let's begin the story like any other story telling begins shall we?" I asked she nod

"Once upon a time....."


This is just the Prologue you have to wait for Chapter one to know the story behind Fairy Tail

Thank you so much for reading this book hope you enjoy

If you've skipped the Author's Guide to the Book I'll tell ya again please leave a "❤" if you like it and a "❌" if you dislike it so I whould know if I need to improve or if I need to keep up the goody work

Thank you so much BYE~~~♡

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