Chapter 1

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Phil's POV:

"Phil," my mum called from the kitchen. "Can you come in here a minute?" It was only me and her in the house as dad was out and I was only staying for a few more hours so I hoped it was important.

When I reached the kitchen she was sitting on one of the two chairs that surrounded the small kitchen table. She pushed my cup of coffee across the table towards me as she took a sip of her own. I sat down opposite her and asked her, "What is it?" I took a sip of my coffee to be polite, but the truth was since I'd left home I preferred my coffee with a lot more sugar in it.

"I've been thinking Phil, you're twenty-six now, nearly twenty-seven, gosh when did that happen?" I gave a small laugh and nodded. The past few years had really flow by for me as well. "And your brother, your brother's been with his girlfriend for a good few years now and Phil ... I want you to start to try and find someone." She took a deep breath and looked me in the eye.

"Mum, I..." I ran out of my chair, up the stairs and back to my old room. I half slammed the door behind me and sank down against it. She couldn't be allowed to find out, at least not then. I'd gotten good at hiding it, even from him.

I looked around the room. Thank goodness it was different. I didn't think I could stand being in there if it was the same; it would just make the memories come back.

We barely even knew what was happening when we messed around with each other, it just felt right. Those weeks were what I cherished most. When we would stay with each other, spend all day and night with each other just because we could. The first morning when we woke up tangled in each others arms, that was when we knew, but of course that all changed. It started off with small things, ducking away from my kisses or not wanting to share a bed for the night. I thought it would get better when we moved in together, but it had only gotten worse and eventually there was nothing left.

"Phil." My mums voice came from the other side of the door. "Phil, it's okay. You don't have to do anything, it's fine." I stood up and opened the door to find mum looking very distressed. "Oh Phil." She threw her arms around me and after a few uncomfortable seconds I returned the hug. She was the one who pulled back. "I understand, you know, your life is your own, but I know who you are Phil. I know you were the one who would happily play mummies and daddies with the girls and how you would complain if  you didn't get to hold the baby first." I laughed, a single tear sliding down my cheek at the memory. "I know that you always dreamed of having children one day and if you haven't found the right person yet then that's fine, but no-one will wait forever, whoever she or he is." She raised her eyebrows at me in the all-knowing mum way.

"How?" I started, but she cut me off.

"You didn't think I noticed? Honestly Phil, I am your mother. I saw how you were and I know what I'm seeing now. Either sort it out or find someone else, it's no use pining after someone if they don't like you back."

With that she was gone and I was left to finish packing. When I went downstairs her and dad were talking in the hallway. Dad noticed me and started to move towards the door as he was giving me a lift back to the station. I hugged mum goodbye and she whispered to me "I'll love you whatever you choose." Then she pulled back, nodded and gave me one final smile.

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