Chapter One

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“We live in fear of the monsters under our bed until we are grown, when the monsters are no longer under our bed, but inside of us.” 

Chapter One

Fucking bloodmobile. Of course the blonde bitch asks me to do that. I glanced across the room at Claire and frown. She is staring out the back door and looking outside with worry marring her face. I know she’s worried about me. Hell, I’m worried about me. I sighed and shoved the little black book, that was the exact reason we were all in trouble, into my back pocket. I walked towards Claire just as Eve bounced up to her and offered a bag of clothes. 

“...underwear you have on; I didn’t go through your drawers,” Eve said as I reached them. 

“Afraid it might get you all turned on?” I asked as I came up behind Eve and immediately reached into the bag of clothes to retrieve my jeans. “Please say yes. And please stay out of my closet.” 

Eve gave me the finger and I rolled my eyes. “If your worried about me finding your porn stash, old news, man. Also, you have really boring taste.” 

A bunch of images popped in my mind of the scenes from those pornos, but instead of random strangers fucking wildly, it was Claire and I. My already-tight leather pants seemed to tighten even more. I glanced up nervously at Claire who didn’t seem to care about what Eve just said. Thank god. I closed my eyes to calm down and went to help the girls set up a make-shift changing room in the corner. I held up one corner of a blanket and Eve held the other. Claire stood behind it changing. I waited patiently for her until I saw a man, amongst the crowd of people in our living room, stare in interest at the blanket. Pervy bastard. 

“You done?” I asked as I peaked over the blanket. All coherent thoughts left my mind. Claire stood there sweaty, half-naked, and wide-eyed. She looked like a goddess. A sex-goddess. She didn’t look too young for me. She didn’t look naive or incapable. She looked like a woman. A woman that I was incredibly and terrifyingly in love with. These foreign and scary thoughts were interrupted by the Harlequin costume she had been wearing being thrown at my face. I waggled my brows at her after catching it, hoping it would hide the serious thoughts floating in my head. 

“Done!” Claire called as she buttoned her jeans. 

Eve let go of the blanket and turned to smile at me. Aw shit. I know that smile. 

“Your turn leather boy,” she said. “Don’t worry. I won’t accidentally embarrass you.”

I chose not to say anything and went behind the blanket. I unlaced my leather pants and made not-so-quick work of getting them off. How do guys wear those skinny jeans? I couldn’t even wear underwear with those damn kinky-sex-shop pants, I thought as I absent-mindedly slid on my jeans. A burst of giggles interrupted my thoughts—and my privacy. 

Eve and Claire were hugging—not holding up the blanket. 

I rolled my eyes and pulled up the fly to my jeans quickly. “Hey! Seriously, girls, not cool. A guy could do serious damage,” I yelled, but it only made them erupt into more giggles. I glared at Claire. After all, how could she betray me like that? However, to my surprise, her brown eyes were heated and her mouth dropped open in a silent “O.” What was she thinking? Whatever it is, seems hot. 

Claire shook her head slightly and turned to Eve, “Go on. We’re right behind you,” Claire told her with a gentleness in her previously lusty eyes. 

Did I miss something? I watched Eve walk, then run, over to Michael who caught her in his arms and kissed her. Claire turned to follow after Eve, but I stopped her. It was time for goodbyes. This was the worst part. A lot of people think that the death or absence itself is the most excruciating part of losing in someone, but in reality it’s everything that was said and anything that wasn’t. It’s the goodbye, or the lack thereof, that makes you feel like total shit after loosing someone. I would know. “They’ve got things to say. And so do we,” I told Claire. I had my hands on her shoulders and was looking into her eyes. “Don’t go out there,” I said, pouring all my love into it. 

Her face fell and then a small smile appeared on her face. “You stole my paranoia. I was gonna say, Don’t go. But you’re going to go, no matter what I say, aren’t you?”

Her words were unexpected and I thought again that this was our goodbye. “Well, yeah, of course I am, but—” 

“But nothing,” Claire interuppted me and frowned, her eyebrows making a little V. “I’ll be with Amelie. I’ll be okay. You? You’re going off with the cast of WWE Raw to fight a cage match or something. It’s not the same thing.” 

“Since when do you ever watch wrestling?” Stupid. The truth was, I was speechless. Why’d she have to be so smart, again? She was right. I was bait with no protection. She was going with Amelie, who seemed like she wanted to keep Claire safe. There’s a good chance I’ll die. Isn’t there always? 

“Shut up. That’s not the point, Shane, and you know it. Shane, don’t go!” Claire plead and she put all she could into it. I could tell that much. But I had to go—to make sure she was safe. What kind of boyfriend—what kind of man—would I be if I didn’t do everything I could to protect the woman I love? 

I smoothed back her hair. I do love her. So much. I kissed her tenderly, trying to tell her without telling her. I couldn’t tell her. I want her to be able to move on from here. From this hell hole we call home. If that means I can’t go with her, then I can’t. But she’ll be safe. I can’t tell her I love her. It’d be too selfish. Even if I do die today—especially if I die today—I would hope that she could move on. Something occurred to me suddenly. A phone call I got from back before the Bishop party. Shit. I need to let her know. “There’s something I really ought to tell you.” I took a deep breath and glanced around the room. “My dad’s coming back to town.” 

To my surprise she looked, not worried, but disappointed. Then she jerked back from me and I put a hand over her mouth in fear she’d yell at me. 

“Don’t. Don’t say anything. We can’t talk about this, Claire. I just wanted you to know.” 

Claire’s face slowly transformed from emotion to emotion and finally settled on anger. “Oh, we’ll talk about it.” 

Uh oh. “You mean you’ll yell at me? Trust me, I know what you’re gonna say. I just wanted you to know in case—” My mouth left hung open, but I didn’t dare finish the sentence. 

Her look softened and she closed her eyes. “When should I expect him?” 

“Next few days probably. But you know how it is. I’m out of the loop,” I said, my voice more rigid then I meant. After all, my father hates me, now. 

“Why now? The last thing we need is—” Claire whisper yelled. 


“He’s not help! He’s chaos,” she whispered vehemently. 

I gestured vaguely around the room, “Take a good look, Claire. How much worse can it get?” 

She wanted to say something, but she didn’t. “Let’s just—” She stopped short and bit down on that delicious lip of hers. “Let’s just get through the day, okay? Please? Be careful. Call me.” Claire’s eyes searched mine—for what, I don’t know. 

I held up my cell phone to her in promise then stepped forward and brought her into my arms. I just stood there for a little while—I didn’t know if this was the last chance I’d get to hold her, and if it was, I couldn’t think of a better way to say goodbye. “Better get ready. It’s going to be a long day.” 

We broke apart and moved on to say our goodbyes to Eve and Michael. 

Michael left first. Then Eve. It left us alone, once again. A couple of guys were angrily calling for me to hurry up, but I just nodded at them. Turning to Claire, I took her hands and kissed each of them. I love you. More than you’ll ever know. 

I let go and walked over to the WWE Raw fighters. 


Hey guys!'s been awhile. Haha. It's good to see that I still have people who are hoping for me to finish this off. Thank you so much for reading! 


I should be updating at least once a week! HOLD ME TO THAT!

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