Chapter One

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"Morning birthday girl!!!" My brother barges into my room, a huge grin on his face when I force my head to get out of the covers, I just groaned and smacked my head back on my pillow, wanting more sleep, "No, not going to happen, you're not going back to bed, I don't care if it's your birthday, you are going to school and you are going to learn. I am not going to fall for your puppy eyes no matter how much you show them to me, you are going. I am your guardian and you will do as I say, you got that missy?!"

"I hate it when you go all 'daddy figure' on me." I moan, throwing my covers off of my body, I got out of bed and glared at my brother, "You are one evil brother you know that?" I questioned, walking into the unsuit bathroom in my room.

"I know you hate it when I don't act like your brother and I act like your father, but what do you expect when we have no parents? I need you to stay as you are, educated and smart, not some bratty girl that thinks they can get away with everything just because you can. Not going to happen, whether I'm your brother or not, it is not going to happen. Now get ready it's seven thirty and we have to leave in an hour or we will be late, and don't make us late just because you want to stay home on your birthday because I will drag you to school, even if you're still in a towel. I'm not kidding." When he finished his sentence, I was stood there in shock, recalling the last time he threatened me, I thought he was kidding, hell no! He actually dragged me out of the house in just a towel, and when we reached the pack house he made his slut of a girlfriend lend me clothes, by the end of the day, I had basically scrubbed my skin raw from having her clothes on my body. I shivered as I remembered every detail of the dmay, Sean had seen my reaction and smirked. "So hurry up because we leave in now fourty minutes." He grinned in an evil way, man do I hate my brother at this moment!

When he stalked out of my room, I ran into the bathroom that was connected to my room, and I took a quick shower, well a quick shower to me which was half an hour. Then it took me ten minutes to decide what I wanted to wear, when I finally chose a purple-off-the-shoulder top that reaches mid-thigh with a pair of black leggings and 4 inch black open toe shoes. I applied some brown eye shadow, that matches my skin tone, a thick line of eye liner and some nude lip gloss.

"Don't make me go up there and pull you out of the house half naked Scar!" Sean had yelled once my lip gloss had already been applied on my plump pink lips. I check the time and see that it's 8:30! Wow, I took long.

I hadn't told you anything about Sean nor myself, I won't tell you about myself because you will be able to discover all of that very soon. So Sean is a 19 year old guy, he reaches the height of 6"2, he has short light brown hair and light green eyes. He's one of the most popular guys in school, if you're thinking he's a player, and lost his virginity at 16, he hasn't. He still has his viginity, as far as I'm concerned.

He's the Beta of my pack, The Shadow Moon Pack, since my dad had died the position was handed down to Sean, the Alpha was a littl sceptical about letting my brother become Beta of the pack since he was quite young when my parents died, but once my brother had explained that my father had been training him since he was very young to become Beta if anything should happen to him, the Alpha allowed him to become Beta, and he is amazing at his role.

"Coming!" I call back, running down the stairs, I know I'm fully dressed and everything, but I hate when he picks me up over his shoulder and then shoves me into the car. Sean always drives me and Jay, the future Alpha, Jay's birth name is actually Jason, but he makes the pack call him Jay for some reason.

I reach the last step of the stairs only to see the front door wide open and my brother in the drivers seat. I run to the passenger side and jump in.

"Sorry." I say sheepishly, I give him a small grin that he smiles at and then turns away from me muttering a, "Yeah right." as he pushed the car into gear and then pressed the accelerator causing the car to roll forward, leaving the house in the distance, after a minute of driving I turn on the radio and my favourite song from Avenged Sevenfold, Hail to the King blasts from the speakers of the car.

Rejected By The Future Alpha *RE-EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now