chapter 1

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"Awww mannnnnn I can't believe you just did that!"
"Haha... I told you! Who is a pabo now tae tae? Next rounds on you asshole"

Jungkook frowned at the twins as he watched from the tree branch . He stiffened at the sight of both of his brothers. Their laughter filled him with longing to join.  But he knew that was impossible. Being a vampire whose breed known throughout history, he knew he would never see his life same again. He was maknae of the royal family of vampires what choice does he have? Born to be dragged on the streets just like his mother.  Mother... He paused at that thought as a painful memory surged through him.

"Sons? I have only six... what can a whore bring to the world eh? Nothing but scums really"  His father took a sip of red wine that made jungkooks stomach churn,before ranting on. "Ah what a shame... I could have just slaughtered that rat with her". The royal guests chuckled at the kings response while feasting on the meat jungkook hunted. Only seven years old, he had been thrown on the streets living on bread and scraps of meat until he was proven worthy enough to join the rest of his brothers in the grand palace.

He scoffed at that mere idea.  Brothers? Father?  What nonsense.  In truth he could only come up with a conclusion where it includes the brothers who hated his guts and the father who wished him dead.

"Yah... kookie" jungkook cringed at the name. Kookie was the last name he wanted to be called,  especially given in the mood he is in. He looked down into the darkness.  Narrowing his eyes,  he saw a glimpse of bright red. He was soo lost in thoughts he didn't realise he'd been called.  Tall like him taehyung had blood red hair and has eyes a vibrant red; jungkook had to squint to see his features. His older brother  smiled showing a row of white pearly teeth with a set of pointed fangs. As jungkook looked, taehyung retracted his fangs and flashed himself next to jungkook. They were all wearing black to be blended with the dark as it was part of their nature.
Jungkook squirmed besides him. Taehyung cleared his throat before shifting his eyes to his older twin.  "Man I hate losing against that pig... hes so drunk im surprised he hasn't toppled over." Jungkook followed taehyungs gaze to find the older twin humming to 'perfect man' as his warm orange hair bounced to the breeze. The moonlight reflected on taehyungs face as his features hardened. He glanced back at jungkook, casting a shadow across in his gaze.
"im sorry we have to keep meeting like this...As a brother I should have been there to-"
"Don't..." jungkook let out a sigh before facing him. "Im the burden of this family... you shouldn't apologise for keeping me company... I ... I appreciate it I really do hyung." And he meant what he said. Even though they have different mothers taehyung and jimin have always been close to him by when the other brothers acted as if he did not exist. The twin inclined his head as he stared into the distance the regret on his face made jungkooks dead heart well up. Some things are different and unfortunately he has to deal with it whilst hidden amongst every one else.

"SooooooooOOOOOoooooOo gentle mennnnnnnnnn" both men turned their heads around to a drunken orange blur behind them.
Jimins face lightened as he slurred and mumbled his way to the branch above the tree where they were resting on. With every move he made his scotch sloshed around the bottle and dribbled to the spot next to taehyung.

"Damn jimin you drunken turd... get your bottle away from me before I shove it up your_" no sooner did the words leave his mouth, jimin came crashing down causing taehyung to knock over the branch and into the ground below them. Both vampires trashed around in a bundle of blur when taehyung yelled at the top of his lungs. Jungkook could hear jimin drunk murmur as he focused on the area around them. In the forest it has always been and still is quiet but somehow this night seemed different. The moonlight cast shadows on the trees making them appear larger then they are.  Born in a supernatural era, the scent of the fresh breeze in the air stopped as he felt an eery atmosphere approach.  He looked down to see if the twins were there but all he saw was nothing.  As if they had disappeared.

Taehyung?jimin? ... hyung?

He crouched on the branch feeling his fangs lengthen until they poked his bottom lip. He felt his eyes shift to their usually red colour. Everything was silent.  He sharpened his hearing to gather all the sounds surrounding him. The hair from the back of his neck rose leaving ice slipping down his spine. Jungkook was in full predator mode before he felt a grip on his collar from behind. Startled, he pulled away from the grasp but it only made it tighter. He tried to face the attack behind until he heard the faint cold whisper against his ear,  the one he knew so well.

"Hello... maknae... nice seeing you again..."
Before jungkook could respond he was flashed out of the forest.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy this chapter im working on chapter 2 now so ill update that pretty soon  😊 😊 😊

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