I personally had no ideas for this story. Please stand by while I unleash my randomness and derpyness to you guys as you read this story of epicness. If you are not aware of nyan cat's rainbowness, STOP.DROP.ROLL TO YOUR NEAREST TECHNOLOGY AND GRAB...
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Nyan was the cat. Nyan was the Nyan cat! But nyan cat had one weakness. Whenever he ate a donut, he would teleport magically with the power of sugar and rainbows, to a random dimension. As he ran along the stars randomly without any meaning at all, he ate a donut that was randomly in his pocket. Nyan cat liked teleporting, but not always. He had hated the poke'mon dimension where many derpy humans threw pokeballs at him. It had taken a long time to prove that he was in fact, NOT a poke'mon.
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Boom. A shower of sparkles and candy stuff exploded as Nyan Cat disappeared with a tinkly note on her/his happy, awsome, rainbowy song..........................
"Oi! Harry! Wait for me!" said a totally not Nyan cat voice.
Nyan cat looked to see that first, there were butterflies and grass, and that second, there was a massive castle with magical barriers and students that could do magic.
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As soon as nyan cat even cared to look up, many students showed signs of extreme rainbowness and randomness because of nyan cat's song that followed him everywhere.
"Hurry up Ron! We're going to be late for transfiguration!" A frizzy brown haired girl said anxiously.
"Well it's not my fault I don't LOVE Professor Mcgonagall!"
Ron and Hermione started bickering and arguing while the third boy with messy black hair walked to his class, not giving a mind to what was going on. Suddenly, he stopped and turned his head to look at Nyan cat who was currently very busy chasing butterflies.
"Huh. What do you think that is?" He said, turning to Ron who was still bickering with Hermione.
"OI! Ron!"
Ron and Hermione finally looked up, flushed and angry. Ron noticed Nyan cat first.
"Whoa! What do you reckon it is?"
"Hmm...Iv'e never seen anything like it!" Hermione said, peering closely at Nyan Cat. "Its quite cute."
"Uh-Oh." Harry said, looking at Nyan cat carefully. "You don't think it's a-"
"Student?" Hermione said, looking at Nyan Cat even closer.
"Well then why don't we just ask it?" Said Ron as he stepped forward and crouched down.
"Ron! It's just a theory! You can't just ask-"
"Well maybe I can!" Ron interrupted as he turned his head to Nyan Cat. "Oi! You a student?"
Nyan Cat, who was at that time eating grass, turned to look at Ron. Not knowing what he just said, Nyan Cat nodded.
Hermione stopped talking at once.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HI! BubbleZgum here! I hope you liked the first ever chapter of Nyan Cat's Journey to Hogwarts. I also hope that you didn't die from this stupidity. My sister introduced me to wattpad a short while ago and I didn't know what to write. At that time, I was absolutely obsessed with derpy things (Who isn't?) and I LOVED Nyan Cat. So well...This happened. Thank you so much for reading!