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I went to my first class which is calculus. And I know what you are thinking, everybody hates solving numbers. But we cannot do anything, it is part of our lives. Though, I really hate it too.

Once I entered the class I sat at the back of the room. As always, I just want to. I look at the faces of the students inside it and saw almost all of them are wearing eyeglasses and they are busy holding their scientific calculator and a pen. Five persons are not wearing it, it is the curly haired guy with his group of friends. They are the only ones who's chattering inside the room. He accidentally look at my direction and saw me staring at him. His eyes met mine and I just shrug and look the other direction.

I still don't have any friends in this class. When I approach them, they are busy solving math though there is no professor yet to ask for an activity.

Back in Stallina, the people there are just the same with the people here. I have friends, not a bunch. I only refer three friends no more. They are real, kind, and loyal. They are always there for me whenever I always got bullied. Though they are not that pretty nor talented. I still love them because of their soul and felt bless because I met them.

It's been thirty-minutes for us to to sit without doing anything, except my mathematician classmates. Some are throwing and playing crumpled papers and some went to their next class. I think he or she will not meet us for now. So, I decided to go to the library. Exactly when I got out the group of friends of the curly haired guy also exit the room. There are only two boys in their group and 4 are girls. One girl there is very close to the curly haired guy. Maybe it's his girlfriend. He holds it around its waists and kissing.


OH GOD! I accidentally interrupt there moment when I hit his girlfriend. My books that I am holding got spread to the floor and I sit to pick up the books.

"Watch where you going! You freak!!!" the girl said looking down, she is inches taller than me. The guy just gave me a glare look and he and her friends are just laughing of what happened to me. After that they just walk pass me.

The library just opened 15 minutes ago and there are only few people inside here. I look around to look for some familiar faces. Instead of waiting for my time to go to my next class, I glanced to find a sit and pull out my After book by Anna Todd from my bag. This is a good story, I only have read fifty one chapters of it and it is cool. This is the story about a guy who is in a fraternity and an innocent girl that lives in a dorm which her roommate is a friend of the guy and that will cross their paths.

While reading the book, I was frightened when a girl just sat beside me. It is Kristen, the one whom I just met in my Philosophy Class. She has no class so she is always here in library to spend her time instead in her house.

She is a very talkative girl. She told stories about what had happened to her. We laugh and laugh. There are times that we got accosted by our seatmates in the library and yelled by the librarian because we are so noisy. I don't know why I felt so close to her.

Like we have known each other already. I felt super close and safe with her. Are we sisters in another mother? Kidding! But that is what I feel when I'm with her. We chat and chat until we got out the library. She invited me to go to the comfort room so I went with her. When we get inside it the girls are looking at us and we are just looking at the mirror. I observe the girls attire while they are walking to go exit the comfort and still laughing. I think they are talking about me because they are staring at me while I also look at them. I turn my head back to the mirror once they are gone and catch a glimpse from Kristen who is applying a rosy lipstick to her lips. We go out the comfort room.

I proceed to my class and glimpse the one who I got concurrent in school bus the other day. Zane, who is sitting at the back without no one just with his earphones and his phone on. I undoubtedly enter the class, the professor also came in a coincidence. He jump a bit and adjust his sit. Zane remove the ear buds in his ears and put his sight to the professor's.

"What?" he asked in a low voice. That was the first time I heard his husky voice.

"What, what?" I replied back giving a question mark in my head. What does he mean with what?!

"What are you doing here? Why are you here?"

"It is my next class, this is Physics right? Of course I will attend!" I murmured.

He just took a deep breath and focus on what the professor is saying. I think everyone is afraid to sit beside him, maybe because he is quiet and wants to be alone that is why he is always at the end of the class. I looked at him again and stare at him. His thick eyebrows and long beautiful long eyelashes. I mesmerize his caramel eyes of him still focusing in front.

The story of you is far on what I see in you.

As soon as I got home, I go upstairs and change my clothes. I lay down first in my bed while checking my social media accounts. All my social media accounts are very silent. I mean, every time I open it there is no new. It is just the same as what I checked yesterday and the other day. While the other girls in my previous schools that are so rad and good looking have so many likes in their Facebook and IG. Maybe that is because I am Jelena, the boring girl in school. Honestly, I don't see any exciting in my life. But I thought of what happened the other day with Kristen. She always talk and ask about me. And everyone is staring at us or maybe just Kristen because she is a heartthrob.

My first meeting to my classmates in Physics class is nice. Because they are very attentive and smart individuals. I don't like Physics but I am motivating because my classmates are very smart in that subject so I have to like the subject.

I stand up now and go to my desk to finish first my home work given. I only have one home work. And that is Physics. The homework is just easy. Just going to search about the first encounter in Physics. Like questions what is Physics. What is the subject all about and that.. I open my laptop to search the answers in that questions and once I am finished. I turn off the laptop and put it there in my desk.

It is almost 11:00 in the evening and mom is still not home yet. She said she has an important client to meet today. I am having second thoughts if what will I do first, eat first or wash your face first before you eat. I ended up choosing to wash my face first. I go to my bathroom and slid in my slippers. I walk towards the mirror of my bathroom and saw my face. Why is Jelena like that? Have so any spots in her face that the other acne's have no place to live in her face. And her skin is brownish not that so brown but a little. I begin to wash my face using Loila Products. This skin product, I have used it maybe 2 weeks ago and still observing of what will be the effect of it in my face.

I have used many kinds of skin products cure face and skin. Some of them works and some gets my face even more worst! That is why my face looks like this. The last skin product that I used is the most famous facial product and I know it is very effective because I have tried it. The scars and Acne's fade a little but gets back again. This is consulted by a dermatologists but when other people uses it it fades and there skin will be so beautiful while mine is getting crack up! But hey! This dark spots in my face loves me so much that they will never leave me here no matter what product I use.

I go down stairs first to eat my dinner. I went to the kitchen and open the fridge. Looking for a reserve food, haven't go to supermarket it blocks away from our home. I prepare my so called dinner. Pancake only, my favorite, for tonight and a cup of tea and proceed to the living room, switched on the television and click the music channel my favorite channel to watch music videos of my favorite singer. Once I finish it all, I went back to my room and wash my face using the soap that Kristen gave me. It smells undefined. I don't know it smells a bit of loathsome. But I still put it on my face and scrub it. When I am finished, I wipe my face using my bath towel. After it, I cleanse my face and put a cream in my face. But before I continue to put the products, I made sure that all the doors are close and windows. I let the cream in my face until I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2016 ⏰

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