Part 4

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You're bored.
You're sitting in the study floor,once again surrounded by your books and little odds and ends. Angelo has yet to get the internet you'd requested, although you notice he apparently has it in the dungeons !
Not fair.
It's raining outside, you can hear the droplets hitting the windows and the hard stone of the castle walls, the crackling of thunder every now and again. You suppose this means you aren't riding horses any time soon, but you don't mind.
You've never been an outside person.
You sigh, rubbing your neck as the wounds there itch. They're healing, none of Angelo's marks ever last long against your skin, but they're bothersome as they disappear.
You frown down at your books, at the pieces of paper with your notes scribbled on them. You've technically done all you can for Angelo on your part, now he just has to fulfill his end of the bargain.
Where did you lay your pencil?
You glance around, then spot it on the desk. You raise your hand, curling your finger in your direction.the pencil wobbles, then slowly rolls off the desk and clatters against the floor before making its way to you.
Now, where's the eraser?
"Don't step on that."
Horror freezes in the doorway of the portal, his eyes going huge as he sees the mess of Angelo's study; what the fuck had happened in there!?
He hesitates, then looks down, frowning at the open books liked on top of one another in front of him.
He looks down over the railing, your blood red hair drawing his gaze.
"Are you Angelo's witch?" He asks curiously, carefully making us way to the three steps it takes to the main floor where you're sitting. He walks around you until he can face you, but you're leaned over, your hair obscuring your features as you scribble nonsense on a piece of paper.
Horror frowns, the words making his eyes hurt until he looks away, and he quickly forgets them.
You sigh, reluctantly leaning up, glancing at the pale skinned, rather young looking demon in front of you. His hair is long and black, he's very thin and probably your height. His eyes are a bright blue, uncommon for a demon, and he looks fascinated with you.
You frown as he squats down in front of you, his eyes running over you. You're sitting criss cross in the floor, your shirt hanging off your shoulders and revealing the swell of your breasts, some necklace nestled between them that Horror can't seem to look at. You're very pretty, he likes your hair, and his fingers are itching to touch you.
"Do you want something?," You ask with a frown, lifting a sharpie out of your lap and tugging off the cap, the unique scent hitting your nose before you write a quick reminder on your arm.
You need some supplies.
"You're quite a catch, I bet Angelo can make a lot of money off you."
,You twitch, glaring at the demon not a foot from you. "I'm not for sale, asshole."
,Horrors dark brows shoot into his hair at the insult.
What the hell?
How dare you!
"Don't you know Better then to speak to a demon like that?," He scowls, curling his hands against his legs. "Has Angelo not smacked the snarkiness out of you yet? You won't last long as a pet with an attitude."
You cap your sharpie.
"I'm not a pet. I never will be, you pathetic Beetlejuice reject. Now get off my papers and fuck off somewhere else!," You scowl in irritation, pulling at the paper beneath his shoe.
Stupid, arrogant, dumbass demons ---!
The sharp sting across your face catches you off guard, you hadn't expected the demon to touch you! You blink the water from your eyes, tasting blood in your mouth as your hand rises to your cheek.
Your face slowly swivels to look at him, barely noticing the self satisfied smirk on his face.
Your magic reacts before you realize.
Horror shouts as he's suddenly thrown through the air, smashing into the stone wall with a pained gasp. The stone cracks beneath the force, and you slowly rise to your feet, clenching your hands at your side.
No one gets to hit you anymore!
"You arrogant demon! Do you have any idea what I can do to you?" ,You snarl, stalking forward. Horror coughs, spitting black blood into the floor before he pushes himself out of the stone, falling to his feet with a pained groan, feeling his ribs reset themselves.
Your hair is moving around your shoulders, papers and other small objects skittering across the floor as your temper takes over.
Horror squeaks in panic as your hand Closes around the front of his now dusty suit. You drag him to his feet, ramming him into the wall again, your sharp nails digging into his throat.
He stares into your red eyes, for the first time in his life genuinely scared of someone who isn't his brothers. Hes never met anyone with such power. It makes his skin crawl, and he immensely regrets ever coming near you!
"Angelo!" He shrills, knowing he can't fight you, there's no point. He won't stand a chance, you're too strong --- it would be like attempting to fight his own father! "ANGELO!"
"You think because you're a demon you can do whatever you want?" You hiss furiously, shaking him until he can hear his brain rattling. "That you have any power!? I hate people like you! You bully the weak, think you own everything!"
You're almost screaming at him, Horrors eyes the size of saucers. He flinches as a book crashes against the wall by his face, the mere breeze from the impact capable of whiplash.
He made a boo boo.
Where is angelo!?
His eyes flick over your shoulder as he sees the portal door suddenly slam open, his eldest brother striding through. He freezes instantly, staring.
Christopher had felt Horrors pain, but he'd expected Angelo to be hurting him, not you.
Dumb fucking fool!
Christopher had warned him ---.
"Red!" Angelo's voice cuts sharply through the air, and your eyes flick to where the demon suddenly stands in the study doorway, eyes narrowed. "Put him down!"
You growl softly, tightening your trip until black blood is running down your fingers, Horror choking and thrashing in your grasp.
Don't use commanding tone with you, always backfires.
Angelo withholds a sigh, holding his hands up in a peaceful manner as he carefully walks to you, avoiding the objects of his study that are thrown his way; fiery temper, check.
"Red, it's okay," Angelo coos, his eyes lighting on your busted lip, the dark blood staining your face where it had bled; had Horror hit you!?
"Red," Angelo's hands close gently around your face, his thumbs softly stroking your damp cheeks. "It's okay. Let him go, he's not important."
You hesitate, then slowly withdraw your hand from Horrors throat, letting him collapse in a heap on the floor. You focus on Angelo's eyes, feeling yourself calm more and more as you gaze into the black orbs, demon blood dripping off your hand and across the floor.
You turn into Angelo's grip, your shoulders relaxing. The red of your eyes flicker before returning to normal, and you sniffle a Little, Angelo's thumbs brushing at the tears beneath your eyes.
"It's alright, Red, it's alright. You're okay."
You don't feel okay, you're angry, your lip hurts and it's bringing up bad memories. You want nothing more then to wrap your hands around that demons skinny neck and squeeze until his eyes pop out!
Like one of those little keychains you can buy.
Your lip is already healed, the pain is gone, but your trembling, clenching your hands and gritting your teeth.
"Go on to bed, I'll find you," Angelo murmurs, his eyes not leaving yours, his stroking thumbs keeping you calm when you want to pitch another tantrum. "Let me handle this."
"Angelo ---."
"I have this. Go on, little witch."
You scowl at him, pulling out of his grasp in irritation.
Your eyes flick angrily to where Horror is frantically crawling across the floor to Christopher, then you stalk for the door, needing to get out.
You can't stand the sight of the puny little demon.
"I thought she was going to kill me!" Horror whimpers as he climbs to his feet, voice raspy.
"She was." Chris responds, knowing what Angelo is about to do but not feeling the inclination to stop him.
Angelo's hand closes around Horrors shoulder, spinning him around forcefully before bitch smacking the hell out of him.
"Don't you ever," Angelo snarls down at his brothers shocked face, "touch her again or so help me I'll kill you myself! She's mine! MINE!"
Horror takes a step back, Angelo's possessive tone reminding him of Ghost, and he doesn't want a repeat of that scenario. He quickly turns with a hurt whimper, making a break for the open portal door and throwing himself in it.
Christopher sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
How have any of his living siblings survived as long as they had?
"What a mess,"Christopher sighs as he looks around. "How did you manage to calm her down? I was sure Horror was done."
"My venom is in her system," Angelo grunts as he leans down to pick up some of his books. "Still was difficult though."
Christopher stills. "You've had her blood?"
"Angelo!" Christophers voice is the most distressed the younger demon has ever heard it, and he blinks as he straightens.
"Are you a fool?" Christopher demands, shaking his head. "Do you know what power you've given her over you!?"
"What are you talking about?" Angelo shifts uneasily.
Christopher could smack him.
"I know what she is, you don't have to yell."
Christopher gnashes his teeth in aggravation.
"She controls the magic in her blood. The blood that now runs through your system. She can CONTROL you, Angelo, you fucking fool! You've given her power over your body and you don't even know it!"
Angelo stills.
"Luckily for you she's inexperienced, she doesn't know her full power," Christopher scowls, starting down the steps. "You need to eliminate her now before she understands her ---."
"Im not going to kill her."
"We're in a contract, I nor any of my associates can kill her until our business agreement is complete." Angelo shakes his head, a sinking feeling in his gut. "We can't harm her until the Mikaelsons stop chasing her."
Christopher is going to bounce his younger brothers skull off the wall a few times, see if that helps his ignorance.
He's so sick of cleaning up his brothers messes, of having to take care and baby them. He has his own life to live, his own business to run, he's tired of the distraction!
A thousand years is too much!
Christopher shifts restlessly, grinding his teeth before turning on his heel and stalking for the door.
"Where are you going!?"
"Somewhere there are no fucking fools!"
You sniffle, stretched out across your bed, your arms curled tightly around one of the pillows.
You wipe beneath your eyes, but it doesn't stop the flow of tears.
No one had hit you like that since you'd left the compound.
You'd never liked taking orders, you'd hated being bossed around and treated like a slave, like you didn't have a brain and your only use was your magic.
You'd finally pushed one of the Mikaelson sons too far, and the beating they'd given you had never left your mind.
It's also the day you learned about your powers.
Funny how that works.
They'd beaten you until you couldn't walk, till your eyes were swollen and you couldn't breathe without pain. Your father had done nothing, just walked away and let it happen. Your mother was dead, you're not sure if she would have tried to help or not.
The Mikaelson had been the first person you'd ever killed, too.
You'd promised yourself it would never happen again, that you would defend yourself.
You should have killed the little weakling demon just to make a point.
You tense as you hear your bedroom door open, and you half wonder if Angelo is angry at you for hurting his demon friend.
He's quiet as he walks to you, your back to him. You feel the edge of the bed dip, and then to your surprise he's snuggling up behind you, his cold lips against your shoulder.
Isn't he mad?
"Are you alright?" Angelo murmurs softly, and you nod, not looking at him, the lights in the room off. You pick at your coverlet. "What happened?"
"I said something and he smacked me."
"So you attempted to rip his throat out?"
Angelo actually chuckles. "You should have gone for the eyes instead. I've never liked my brothers eyes."
"Your brother!?" Your eyes widen, and you roll onto your back so you can see Angelo better, your stomach dropping.
You'd almost killed his brother ---.
"Yes. Horror is one of my younger brothers. The other tall demon, Christopher? He's my elder. I have six living siblings. My father had thirteen sons in total."
"I almost killed him." You murmur almost guiltily.
"It's nothing he didn't deserve. You certainly scared him," Angelo chuckles; he'd actually been mildly impressed to see the fear in his younger brothers eyes. "What can I do to get you to do it again?"
You stare at him like he's lost his mind before shaking your head.
"You demons are strange."
"No more then witches."
You sigh, and Angelos cool fingers draw across your cheeks, wiping at the dampness beneath them. "But what's caused this misery? I've never seen you cry."
You grimace, flushing before you wipe quickly at your eyes. "Crying is weak, that's why. I generally try to avoid it."
"I think it's impossible for humans not to cry, especially you females. It's how you vent frustration."
"You say that because you make people cry all the time and wanna feel better about it."
"Perhaps." There you go, insulting him again like normal; he's not sure he likes you like this, it makes him uncomfortable and he's not sure if he should baby you or tell you to suck it up. He's never been in a situation where he had to comfort someone.
Usually he just wacks them and moves on.
But with you that clearly isn't an option, you're like an explosive bomb in pretty packaging, no wonder every race agrees that blood witches should be dead, even their own.
He briefly thinks about what Christopher had warned him of but dismisses it; you're still young, even in human years, you don't know your own power. You don't know you have anything over Angelo, and quite frankly he doesn't want to give up the taste of your blood either.
He likes the effect, it's much stronger then with other witches.
"There, there. Insult me some more until you feel better."
You press your lips together so they won't twitch.
Angelo let's his hand caress your stomach, feeling the warmth of your body warming his own. He pulls you to him on the bed, pressing kisses against your shoulder as he hears your content sigh.
At least you're calm now, although he would have liked to see you kill Horror; Angelo has thought about it many times but Christopher would never allow it.
If Christopher hadn't popped into the room, Angelo probably would have let you do what you intended.
What a pity.
"The Mikaelsons, they run their household like a military base." You say after a moment, not really looking at anything. "All their subjects have a job they must complete, no excuses. There's maybe twelve of them living at the compound, all of them male."
"No daughters?"
"No. They don't want daughters, if any of their wives or whatever women they happen to impregnate have daughters, they get rid of the baby." You don't want to elaborate. "The only females there are those from my family."
"Twelve men and a few women? I can imagine what happens."
"Mhm. I have cousins who live there, they've had a few sons with the Mikaelsons, but they only get to be immortal if Ailfrid says so. Otherwise you wither and die like anyone else. There's not enough of my family to make everyone everlasting, you see. Most of the time the spell kills the one casting it, even if it gets completed."
"And you were next in line."
"Yeah. Witches tend to get their full powers when they turn twenty, so I had time from when my mother died to get out." You sigh, shuffling a little. "My sisters wouldn't come with me, so I left them."
"Foolish of them, but they're not your concern. Everyone makes their own decisions."
"I guess."
"So how did you learn you're a blood witch?" Angelos been curious. "Have your period and realize you were stronger?"
You snort, smiling before you can stop yourself.
"Then how?" His nails trace circles on your stomach, nudging your shirt out of the way so he can feel your bare skin.
You frown. "I disobeyed one of the orders the Mikaelsons gave me, and they beat me."
Angelos touch stills.
"I didn't know what I was then, it was only when I was coughing up blood it... it's like someone opened a door and I just knew what I could do."
"And the one who hurt you?" Angelos voice is soft.
"I twisted his lungs until he suffocated to death. That's the night I ran."
Angelo would have done worse.
He doesn't like the idea of someone touching you, especially not causing you physical pain; only he could do that to you!
"My father didn't even try to help me," you murmur, lost in the memories. "He just shrugged and walked away, as if my punishment was okay. I don't even remember what I did, but it didn't deserve that. I just.... I just...."
"You don't have to worry about them here," Angelo murmurs, nuzzling your neck. "The only one allowed to touch you here is me, and only when it's okay with you." As per the contract. Otherwise there's no telling what all he'd do to that body of yours.
"I suppose. I know they'll find this place, that they'll try to bargain me from you like I'm one of your slaves."
"I don't have slaves."
"You know what I mean! When you refuse, they'll probably attack, try to kill you."
"No, not if they know who I am." Angelo is confident in that. "If you mess with one brother in my family, you incur the wrath of all of them, including my father if he decides it's insulting enough. That's not a fate anyone wants. It's alright if one of us kills or maims the other, but not any outside the family."
"That's rather fucked up, you know."
"We're demons, not the Brady bunch."
You shake your head, your hand soon closing over his where it still caresses your bare stomach. You snuggle back into him, his grip on you tightening until you feel safe, his free hand playing with your hair.
You're not sure why you feel safe and content with Angelo around, especially knowing what he is, but you do. You know he'll protect you and keep you from harm, that you have nothing to worry about, he'd never hurt you like the Mikaelsons.
Angelo is ungodly thankful for his venom in your veins.
You have no idea.
He hopes you never realize what his bite does to you, that it gives him power over you, and he sincerely hopes you never realize what power you have over him.
It would be unfortunate.
He doesn't want you to die.
"There's the main house here," you sigh, sitting on Angelos desk in the dungeon as you show him the handrawn plans of the compound. "It's really big, I've never been through all the rooms. Ailfrids study is beneath the stairs, there's a secret way in only he and his closest know of. The white fence surrounding it is just for looks, too. The stables and the housing for my family is down this slope, there's trees separating it from the main house. This is their garage, and the spare buildings are kept down by the river. Usually their security personnel has their rooms in the basement of the house, but this cabin here? It belongs to Marcos."
"The Italian man from when I found you?"
"Yes. He's been searching for me harder then anyone else, he's immortal like the rest of them, close with Ailfrid. He'll need to go out too."
"My you have a long hit list," Angelo sighs, leaning back on his throne. "Very well."
"So do you have a game plan or something?" You lean back on your hands. "Other then send your dog's to do it? You know that won't work."
"Itll work for the most part."
"All you'll do is kill some of them and piss the rest of them off. They'll come after you and your business and make a mess for you. You need to do something that will take them all out at once."
"Would you like me to drop a bomb on their heads?"
"If you have one, yes."
Angelo chuckles, squeezing your knee before rising to his feet.
"I could just take them out one by one," he speculates. "Make them fear for their lives so they all hole up in their little kingdom, then send in the hellhounds."
"The hounds aren't going to work."
"But I like it when the hellhounds work," he actually pouts. "There's lot of blood and screaming."
"Ugh, fine! What do you suggest then!?"
"You take them out one by one, like you said," you absently brush some lint off his sleeve, crossing your legs. "Make what's left of them hole up in the compound."
"And then?" He arches a dark brow at you.
"I don't know yet," you sigh. "I haven't figured that part out."
"What if I just talk to them?" Angelo suggests, brushing his fingers through your soft hair, tugging on a few strands to keep your attention. "Tell them you're off limits?"
"You think they'll listen?"
"No, but if they disagree I'll kill them."
"You'll just be showing them they have a new enemy."
"A new enemy who is more powerful then all their family combined, and quite possessive of his things." Angelo chuckles, his finger crooking beneath your chin and tilting your head up. Your eyes find his. "And I rather like keeping my favorites close."
"So I'm a favorite now? I thought you didn't like me." You murmur, your eyes on his soft curving lips.
"I don't. That's what makes it so fun." His lips close over yours, and you find yourself leaning into him, your hands rising to cup his rough jaw.
Demons have stubble?
Angelo reluctantly draws away from you, his face sour. He'd almost forgotten he had an associate coming to visit.
"You're early."
"I'm actually late, you were just preoccupied."
You glance over your shoulder, spying the young man in the doorway.
You can tell instantly he's a warlock, just as he knows you're a witch. It's not often you find a witch and a demon canoodling together, however, but you don't appear to be his pet either.
"Red, this is Alexander, an associate from Brazil. Come in." Angelo motions with his hand, and you reluctantly slip off the desk; you figure this isn't any of your business.
Angelos hand catches yours, keeping you by his side as Alexander from Brazil walks to the front of the desk, casually sitting in one of the chairs as Angelo sits in his.
You hover by the arm, letting your hands curl around the top arches of the thrones back; why did he have such a theatrical chair anyway?
"You said you wanted a meeting?" Angelo sighs, seeing Alexander's eyes on the floor plans sprawled across the desk. He sees you twitch out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly the warlock in front of him is no longer interested in the papers, he can't even remember the contents.
"Yes. About Argentina."
"What about it?"
"You killed Emanuel because he betrayed you, didn't he? He gave the shipment to someone else?"
"I think I may have found the someone else."
"Really?" Angelos surprised, but he hides it well; Alexander is a dangerous cretin from a poor country who'll do anything to make money, so Angelo isn't about to take his word for it.
"Yes. Sven and Maria Lange, they're Germans. One of the crew picked her up off the marketplace, despite she isn't in the registry."
What the hell is this registry they keep mentioning?
Angelo sighs. "Wonderful. But I don't really care about them, I want my product."
Alexander shifts a little uncomfortably. "I'm sure it's been dispersed at this point, Angelo. It's been weeks."
"By dispersed, you mean released?"
"Uh ---."
"I want my product. No one steals from me and gets away with it," Angelo growls, sitting up straight, the hair on the warlocks arms standing up on end.
the visit was necessary, but that doesn't mean the warlock enjoys it; demons are vicious, vile creatures who don't care who they hurt to get what they want, and anyone who goes into business with them knows that. They're manipulative and will go back on their word if possible.
Alexander always makes sure he's the one who draws up contracts.
"Perhaps if you find them, they can tell you more?" Alexander offers uncertainly, his chair suddenly uncomfortable. "I found their address and everything."
You tilt your head as you look at him, your hair spilling off your shoulders. You just don't like the warlock, he reminds you of a rat.
He's not lying that you can tell, but he's not completely truthful either.
"How did you find them?" You ask, the men turning to look at you. "Sven and Maria?"
"I used my contacts."
"Contacts that didn't know anything when questioned before?" You arch a brow, slowly pushing away from Angelos chair, seeing the warlock tense, his heart thundering against his chest. "Yet somehow would say something now? conveniently? Sounds suspicious."
"It does," Angelo leans forward in his chair, propping his arms on his desk. "Do elaborate, Alexander."
The warlock glances nervously at you as you circle him, then back at Angelo.
"Everyone was afraid to say anything," he says hastily, swallowing. "The Lange family are all shifters, pretty prominent in Germany. They're seriously pissed off."
"Merda." Angelo mutters. "I didn't pick this woman up! All the men know to follow the registry!"
Well this just won't do.
"Am I going to have to kill them all?" He sighs. "Are they going to be a problem?"
"I, I don't know ---."
"Then find out!" Angelo hisses, the warlock cringing. "Don't you fucking return until you have something to tell me! Get out!"
The warlock practically lunges from the chair, skittering for the open door and into the dungeons before Angelo changes his mind.
"You should have killed him," you say after a moment, standing beside the vacated antique chair. "He's probably been paid by them to visit, test the waters."
"I'll kill him later. He's just a mouse." Angelo frowns, thoughtfully rubbing his chin.
He vaguely has heard the name mentioned before. Is that why Carlisle was involved at the warehouse with Emanuel?
Everything is getting so complicated.
Angelo supposes he could just leave it alone, let his product go and perhaps the waters would cool.
But it's not in his nature to let anything go.
He glances at you as you come around the desk. He catches your hand, tugging until you're falling across his lap, his arms pulling you to his chest.
"You almost made the warlock piss himself," he says, impressed. "He was more afraid of you then me."
"It's because I'm a mysterious badass."
"That you are," Angelo chuckles, caressing your hair. "He's going to go and tell everyone I have a powerful witch at my side."
"And that doesn't concern you?"
"Not at all."
Why should it? Angelo likes being feared, he likes seeing others tremble before his very presence. With you at his side, it's just even more satisfying to see.
"I might just keep you around, Red, you instill more fear in my enemies."
You snort. "No way am I staying any longer then necessary in this dank ass place you probably stole from someone."
"On the contrary, this 'dank' castle is mine. I had it built in the seventeen hundreds when slavery was still a prosperous business."
You blink. "Seventeen hundreds?"
"That's what I said."
You lean back a little, studying him. He looks no older then thirty, max.
"How old are you, Angelo?"
"It's rude to ask another's age."
"Oh come on!"
"I'm getting close to a thousand," he sighs, hand tightening around your thigh. "Give or take a few hundred, I tend to lose count."
"You look good to be an old geezer."
He snorts. "Thank you, Red, so much."
"How do you age? I mean, what's the ratio to a human life span?"
"One day to their every seven years, just as you. I've just aged much better then others. You should see my father."
"Does he have dark hair too?" You absently brush a strand from his forehead. "And black horrifying eyes?"
"Not quite."
"It seems like all of you have black hair, your brothers I mean."
"We do, but it comes from our grandfather. Father is a blonde."
"What? No way."
"Yes way."
"How many brothers do you have again?"
"I've had twelve in total, but only seven of us have survived the years. Christopher is eldest, then I, Ghost, Joshua and Ryan, Horror who you tried to kill, and Vincent, the youngest which is still in his teens."
"I couldn't imagine having so many siblings."
"It's taxing, yes. Father has always loved his human women," Angelo sighs. "He just keeps spawning more sons."
"Why don't you have any?" You're reluctantly curious. "Do any of your brothers have children?"
"No. We can procreate if we wish, of course, but we don't. The women who conceive our sons raise them until they're sixteen. It's then our demonic heritage comes through and the father comes to take them and raise."
"Do you ever see your human family again?"
"No. Once you become a demon, there's no going back to your old life. You stop caring about them anyway, their lifespans are miniscule compared to your own."
"It seems sad."
"It's the way it is."
You suppose.
"I'm just surprised none of you have had sons of your own," you say, snuggling up against his chest, tucking your head beneath his chin.
"Why bother with the responsibility? Children are more hassle then they're worth, especially if they're weak."
"A child with you probably would not be weak," Angelo murmurs thoughtfully, his hand slipping to press against your stomach. "I would think you would produce strong sons."
"Is that your way of saying you want a baby with me? My, Angelo, but we're not even married yet!"
His lips curve. "Can you imagine how strong a demon would be with blood magic? He could take over the world with such strength."
"With your personality he would destroy it and take all the fun out of everything."
Angelo shrugs, his fingers lightly caressing your skin.
"Perhaps. But he would be strong."
"Angelo," he's making you uncomfortable. You don't want children, and you definitely don't want them to be demonic. You're not sure what kind of creature you and Angelo would create together, and you don't want to know either.
It wouldn't be an angel, that's for sure.
"I can't have children anyway, not right now."
"You cast a spell to prevent conception?"
"Yes. Being on the run doesn't exactly provide a stable environment for a child." You sigh, Angelo's nails lightly running across your scalp; he has no idea how good that feels, how soothing. "So I took precautions."
"I figured considering you weren't a virgin when I got to you."
You blush.
You go a little wild when you realize you're free.
You clear your throat, but the moment is broken by Angelos phone ringing. He groans, reaching for it, seeing a number he doesn't recognize on the screen.
Wonderful, he hates surprises.
"What?" He snaps as he answers, lifting your hair into the air and slowly letting it drift from his fingers.
"Is this the demon Angelo Parente?" A cool voice asks, and you straighten immediately, your eyes widening as you recognize the voice, your blood running cold.
Angelo pauses, gazing at your face, seeing your eyes become saucers; he can feel your sudden panic, hear your heart stutter.
"Who is this?" He asks, now very curious. How did people keep getting his number?
"I am Ailfrid Mikaelson. You have my witch."
"Ah." Angelo starts to grin. "I wondered when I would receive this call."
Took the old goat long enough.
"I wish to have my witch back, along with any belongings she brought with her." Your spell books, Angelo figures. "I will pay any amount of money you desire."
Angelo snorts. "Don't insult me, human. I do not require your money and of that we're both aware. I assume if you know my name you know who I am."
"The second son of David, brother to William. I know who you are." To be an ancient human, the patriarch of the Mikaelson doesn't sound it, his voice deep and reverberating, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
You can hear every word he speaks, your ear is pressed against Angelos hand where he has it against his own, your fingers knotting nervously in his suit shirt.
"I know you demons like your deals and contracts, so I know (Y/N) has made one with you. I also know there must be a clause where you both can safely get out of it."
Angelo likes his swift exits.
"Your point?"
"Whatever you wish of her, my family and I will complete for you. I've heard of some missing cargo of yours that needs rounding up."
You stare at Angelo, the look on your face letting him know quickly you'd kill him before he could even think about betraying you.
"I don't like backing out of contracts, it sets a bad example." Angelos voice is cold, although he's just picking at an errant piece of string on your sweater, almost looking bored. "I already know of my cargo and it's whereabouts, as well as the situation surrounding it. And I find I Rather Like The Blood Witch."
You wince.
You figure Ailfrid had hoped Angelo wouldn't know of your powers, because no doubt a demon would have great use for someone like you.
"If you know what she is, then you know she needs to die." Ailfrid Is blunt now, making you frown. "Had I known of her ability at birth I would have rid the world of her immediately."
He'd never even met you!
Your brows draw.
The Mikaelsons didn't want you back to perform any rituals, did they? They wanted you back so they could kill you, give the books to your younger sisters and have them continue the suicidal tradition.
It's worse then you'd thought!
You shift nervously.
"You would kill her if I gave her back to you?" Angelo stills manages to sound uninterested, but you can see the sharpness of his eyes; he's tense beneath you, his hand tightening around the arm of his chair.
"Yes. Instantly. You may do so as well, the only real thing I need is the books she has."
"Ah, yes, because of the immortality spell." Angelo chuckles darkly. "Poor humans and their limited lifespans. With her dead, the books would work for her sisters, yes?"
How did Angelo know that?
You stare at him; had you told him that? As the oldest living witch of the family, the books would only open for you, for your blood. None of your younger siblings could use them, could even see the words on the pages.
"Yes." Ailfrid can't be surprised that Angelo knows everything.
"If you want your pretty little witch back, you're going to have to come up with an offer I just can't refuse." Angelo says, seeing you balk. "Good luck."
He hangs up, tossing the phone onto the desk, feeling pleased with himself.
That had went well.
"What the fuck, Angelo!?" You hiss, immediately getting to your feet.
And there went the pleasure.
"You can't just give me to them ----!" You glower at him, clenching your hands tightly as you put distance between the two of you, hurt.
How could he just ---?
"Red, I'm not giving you to anyone, you're mine." Angelo says calmly, irked. He's having too much fun with you, he's not just going to give you away. "I have to be convincing."
You stare at him, tense. Your chest hurts, you almost feel sick. You won't go back to that compound and let them kill you; it might be a quick death, but what they'd do to you beforehand ---.
"Red," Angelo stands slowly, seeing the wild, frantic look enter your eyes. "I swear upon my blood I will not give you to the Mikaelsons."
Your eyes flick to his serious face, still uneasy.
"Your words mean nothing, Angelo. You're a demon," an odd fact you seem to keep forgetting. "I can't trust you."
"Of course you can," he coos in the most annoying way. "Have I given you a reason not too?"
"Not yet," you snap, backing away from him. "But I'm no fool."
"No, you're not." Angelo eyes you a moment; his venom must be burning out of your sysyem, you're not calming like he wants you too.
He needs to fix this.
He was enjoying the cuddly, naively trusting side of you --- you have your walls back up and heavily defended now.
Well, only one way to prove himself.
he raises his hand, and then cleanly slices his palm open, black blood oozing onto his pale skin.
You suck in a startled breath, staring at him.
"I swear upon my blood I will not give you to the Mikaelsons," he repeats, offering you his hand. "I am bound by a blood oath."
That.... that he is.
You hesitate, then gingerly place your hand in his, his blood several degrees cooler then your own, making your hand feel cold.
You relax a little; he must really mean it then.
"There, better?" He asks, stepping close enough to tuck your hair behind your ear fondly. He's not sure if it's the blood of yours he's consumed, the magic in it, or his own fascination, but he can't seem to stop touching you. He wants to be near you at all times, and he'll be damned more then he already is if he let's some pathetic weasel of a human get his hands on you.
Angelo is the only one allowed to have his hands on you.
"Would you like a snack?" He asks lightly, stepping away from you. "I can have a meal prepared for you."
"Alright." You sigh, frowning at the black ooze on your skin. You grab a tissue, wiping at your palm. "What about you? Don't you want to eat?"
Come to think of it, you've never seen him eat, not once.
Angelos lips twitch; he's a demon, he doesn't consume food. Asking him such a question confirms how little you actually know. "I'll eat later, don't you worry. I have some information I need to get from a few associates and I'll find you upstairs."
"You're going to torture them aren't you?"
"In a friendly way."
You sigh.
You're going upstairs.
Your ass roughly lands on the office desk, Angelo pressing eagerly between them. You grip the edge of the desk as he undresses quickly, your eyes running down his muscular chest, through the dark patch of hair and tattoos. You can see a long thin scar on his stomach, one you've not noticed before, yet quickly forget as his hands glide up your bare thighs.
Your legs stay wrapped around his waist as you feel his growing erection. A small shudder runs through you as you think about how he's going to feel inside of you, how rough he is, how unforgiving --- you like the pain, you like the feel of his hands around your throat, the few moments of bliss as you cum around his hard cock.
You're already wet just thinking about it, and you can't keep your hands off his broad shoulders, your naked chest against his as you pull him in for a heated kiss.
You're not even sure where your clothes are; one moment you'd been talking to him in his dungeon office, the next you're both mostly naked and you're on top of the desk with your legs spread.
Angelo runs his hands down along your hips as his tongue conquers yours, his nails making you shiver as they graze your skin. He groans as you squeeze your legs tighter around his waist, rubbing against his erection shamelessly.
His teeth tug on your lower lip as his hands close around your breasts, squeezing and molding them into his grasp until you're squirming. He smirks, pinching and tugging on your nipples until they're at attention, liking your soft gasp against his lips at the sting of his nails.
He licks his lips as he moves eagerly to your neck, brushing your red locks out of the way. You tilt your head automatically, not even noticing the action.
Angelo grins slowly; your body is conditioning itself to his wants already, and you have absolutely no clue!
It amuses him that you're so powerful, your blood could destroy kingdoms, and yet you're so easily falling into his command, his venom eating away at your resistance until there's none left; it might take years, but one day you'll submit wholly to him, and that's the day he'll have your blood magic for his own.
But until then...
You groan as his teeth sink deeply into your flesh, your blood immediately pouring into his mouth, rushing to greet his tongue. Your toes curl in pleasure as you let your head fall back, unaware of the blood slipping down your skin from how deeply he's bitten.
The very bite sent a pool of heat between your thighs, and Angelo groans as he tastes your arousal, your excitement. He's tingling all over, feeling warm and ridiculously turned on.
Your thighs squeeze his hips, he can already smell your sweetness ---.
He has to have you, claim your body. His teeth slowly lift from your skin, red-stained tongue lapping at your wound, stopping the flow of blood.
Angelo leans back a moment, admiring his work.
Red stains your breast, streams of blood still spreading down your back and shoulders. Your eyes are dilated, your hair is tousled and wild, legs spread open for him --- you look just as you should.
Angelo rubs his thumbs against your stiff nipples, flicking and pinching the sensitive buds until you moan, eyes half closing. He chuckles as he leans forward, taking one ample mound into his mouth and sucking, your fingers knotting in his hair, your body flushing with heat as he leaves teeth marks, the sharp stings only turning you on more.
Your thighs quiver as he pushes them farther apart, and you bite your lip as you feel his cock brush against your soaking folds. His tongue swirls around your breast, teasing your nipple, and your arms start to shake as you lean back on them. You bite your lip as his head rubs against your swollen clit, your thighs jerking at the contact.
"Someone's sensitive," Angelo breathes, nipping roughly at your breast once more before straightening.
"Just fuck me," you groan, his cock already covered with your wetness; you're throbbing, you cant hold still --- if he doesn't fuck you soon you'll have to take care of it yourself!
Angelo grins at you, his plump lips pulling back to reveal his sharp teeth.
"And here I thought you didn't like desk sex," he coos, his hands forcing your thighs wide so he can settle between them, your arousal flooding his senses, making it impossible for him to hold back any longer; his need to fuck you now is overwhelming, despite his initial desire to draw the anticipation out, to torture you a little. But now he needs to please you, to give you whatever you want or need.
Angelo pushes his hips forward, forcing the head of his cock between your folds, sinking himself deep inside you, making your lips part as your head falls back; he fills you, every inch of you, and he's so thick ---.
"Fuck," Angelo groans as your core hugs every inch of him immediately, squeezing just the way he likes, making him feel like he's the first to ever venture so deeply.
His arm slips beneath your back, pulling you forcefully to the edge of the desk, almost into his lap. Your nails dig into his back as you cling to him. He begins thrusting inside of you, filling you with every pulsing inch.
Your tight walls grip his length, your body curling into his, pulling him as close as possible.
You want this so badly, you want him to fuck you until you can't walk, until you're broken, until ---.
Angelo growls, bracing one arm against the desk as the other clenches in your hair, painfully wrenching your head back.
He begins thrusting in earnest, ramming his thick cock into your snug core over and over, until the desk begins to move with the force. You squeeze your eyes shut, your breasts bouncing, pleasure all consuming.
You can't speak, can't think --- all that you know is him, his body pummeling into yours, the sound of your skin meeting ---.
The roots of your hair ache, it's hard to breathe at the angle he holds you, but it only makes your legs tighten around his waist, your numb lips begging for more, for harder.
Angelo gives you what you want.
You find yourself face down, your stomach now pressing against the cold polished desk as he rolls you over. You reach for the edge, digging your nails into the wood as his hands cup your ass.
"So smooth," he purrs, digging his nails in and making you jerk, legs knocking into the desk. Your cunt throbs, and you dig your teeth into your lip, trying not to make a sound.
Angelo rubs his palms along your warm skin, a low growl rumbling in his chest as you push your ass into his grasp.
You gasp more in surprise then pain at the swift smack to your ass, feeling him pull on your hair, wrapping it around his hand and forcing your head back.
"Someone's been a naughty little witch," he whispers hotly into your ear, goosebumps rising on your skin. "Your cunt is absolutely dripping for me to be inside it again. But I think you like it a little harder."
You cry out at the next strike, this one stinging, a red handprint left in its wake. Angelo smirks, repeating the smacks over and over until your ass is red, the new marks not fading, your entire body jerking.
You tremble, blinking the water from your eyes, your body tense in anticipation of the next strike. His hands close around your ass, massaging the pain away, his cock rubbing against your drenched folds.
"Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" He taunts you, toying with you again, stroking your bright, trembling skin.
"Which one gets fucked more?" You moan, pressing your face against your arm, missing Angelos expression.
It's probably that moment when he loses his mind over you.
His hands clamp around your hips, nails digging into your flesh as he thrusts his swollen member back into your tight heat, wrenching you back at every thrust and making you cry out.
He's relentless, each thrust deeper and harder then before, his hand snaking forward to grasp your breast, forcing your back to arch.
"I want you to scream for me, Red," his teeth close around your ear, his fingers pinching and tugging on your breasts painfully. "Scream as I fuck your tight cunt."
You shudder at his words, his teeth on your neck, one hand working it's way between your thighs, brushing you swollen clit and immediately making your walls contract.
"Ungh!" You clench immediately, your throat tightening from the intense pressure --- you want to cum, you're so close, your entire body is on fire! It's racing across your skin, twisting and lashing in your stomach until you're shaking, your eyes wanting to roll.
"That's right, cum for me," Angelo growls, wrenching your arms behind your back, using them for leverage as he pummels your core. Your head falls forward with a cry, the tight grip on your wrists making your fingers go numb
So --- so fucking --- close ---.
Angelo growls, his eyes flaring black as he feels the pressure in his shaft, the intense need to fill your womb with his seed stronger then ever before.
You're HIS.
No one is taking you anywhere, no one else will ever fuck your tight pussy, give you painful pleasure like he does --- he'll kill them first.
You making a choking sound, jerking, your body attempting to coil as your orgasm starts to peak, Angelo's hand hitting your ass so hard you scream.
You cum hard, unable to control yourself, your smooth walls squeezing his cock as you shudder, your world black.
Angelo hisses, releasing your wrists to close around your hips, fucking your folds to the very last second despite your body's resistance. He pushes himself to the hilt, burying his cock deeply inside you as he trembles, his hot, sticky seed releasing.
You collapse onto the desk, completely limp, exhaustion swelling through your entire being. You barely feel him finish inside of you, his cum slowly rolling out of you and down your thighs, mixing with your own release.
Angelo exhales shakily, bracing his hands on either side of your bruised hips, unable to move.
Sex.... wow.....
He needs to spank you more often, you've never been so wet and dripping for him.
"Good little witch," he sighs, leaning time press a soft kiss against your damp back.
You don't even respond, and he shakes his head as he leans up, pulling his now limp member from you.
Hes pleased to see you in this condition, the marks on your ass sting and throb, and he always feels full after giving you a rough fucking.
Which is odd; he's never full, not until he's had more then his fair share of pain. It usually takes him a few hours with someone in pain before he's sated.
But with you....
Is it your magic? It would have to be, it's all that makes sense to him.
His little witch....
He'll keep you safe, from everyone but him.
He shuffles you, gently pulling you into his arms, seeing you flinch even in your sleep.
It just means he did his job well.
Now, to get you to bed.
Where are your clothes ?

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