Part 1

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Suzy is a girl who is popular for being very smart and beautiful in the University of England. She attends all her lessons every day and nothing special seems to happen.  That's when what caught her attention was a guy wearing a plain pants and a white t-shirt with a black hoodie who was always seating alone in the corner in their chemistry class. She taught, 'What a weird guy' She tried talking to him but every time she asks something he didn't reply. One day she was all alone in the school finishing her report. After finishing it and sending it to her professor, she turns off the light and started walking in the dark hallway of the campus, when she was walking right at the gate of the campus, suddenly a guy held her hand and drag her in the dark alley.  it was so dark she can't see who was the guy dragging her in the corner.
'Who are you?' she asked
'Shut up or I'll cut your throat!' The man shouted.
Suzy was so scared, there was no one in the alley, she couldn't fight, couldn't shout she couldn't do anything in her situation she thought she was going to die. She started crying Because it was her first time, she couldn't believe what's happening. When the man was just about to drag her inside a dark alley.  A guy with a Black jacket came out of nowhere and punch the man and Suzy was in the ground, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, she was trembling in fear. She tried looking at the face of the guy who help her but couldn't see. minutes later the man was lying in the ground, some blood was seen was everywhere.
When the guy was getting nearer, Suzy came back to reality and ask the guy.

'Who are you? How did y-

When suddenly the guy picks her up and carry her, Suzy didn't move an inch, not because she was scared of him but because she was amazed by what she saw.
She saw His eyes, it was Golden green it was mesmerizing, she thought how beautiful it was, how as if he can see through the inner parts of her.

'How beautiful'  she said outloud

The guy stops and look into her eyes,

'Yes how truly beautiful you are' He said while smirking.

She blushes and turn her head in the other way. She couldn't believe she just said that embarassing word outloud !.

Days have past but Suzy still can't find the mysterious guy who helped her. She was trying hard. When one day when she was sitting in the Chemistry class looking in the window, she felt that someone sits beside her but she just shrugged. And then when the class starts she saw a guy sitting beside her wearing a black jacket, his face was under his hoodie. She felt her heart was so pounding that maybe the guy beside her can be him. She was not focus in the class because she kept thinking when she can talk to guy and see his eyes. Class ended and the guy walk out of the room she was supposed to go and talk to him but when she goes out of the classroom he was gone in the blink of an eye, He was really mysterious. She wants to know more about him.
And then in her locker room she saw a black envelope, saying

'It was nice to meet you again'.

It was him.

Hei guys ! Rose marie here
I was really not planning on posting my work here, but my friend insisted it ! So i'll try to write a short story for now, i hope you guys will like it! Please message me if you like it and i will post the second half of it 😊

P.s So sorry for the wrong grammar/spelling  etc 😁

Please give it a like 👍🏼

The mysterious guy in the campusWhere stories live. Discover now