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We are, the Rowdyruff Boys and were planning to destroy the city! We are one of the most dangerous people here in the city and this city is the most dangerous place in Japan, no one can't even stop us even the Stupid Cops because we have super powers that no one can ever beat, we always got reported in Television because of our evil doing, like robbing the Church, killing people and more that involves bad things, we hate all the people here, we hate ourselves either, sometimes we even wonder why were created by this stupid mama that we killed too, we don't care for everyone including our selves but we are immortals everything about us are abnormal and superhuman, we can not be killed and we can not fall in-love until............................................. We went to a stupid school and had to make friends to every student here, asking us if we did have friends? No we did not but 4 girls came and just changed our lives they are our inspiration to change and live a better life. But they died and that's when our adventure started. And then that's where youll see the true
Rowdyruff Boys

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