Chapter 8

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~ Aaron's POV ~
I fly out to magcon today and I'll be gone for 2 weeks..
I'm going to really miss Leilani and her birthday is the day before I get home, so I've organised to leave a day before everyone so I can surprise her for her birthday..

~ Leilani's POV ~
Today is the day Aaron leaves for magcon and he'll be gone for 2 weeks and he also won't be here for my birthday... It's 8:37 am and Aaron's plane leaves at 10:30 am I'm driving him to the air port..
9:00 am
Aaron and I have just left Aaron's house to go to the airport
On the way to the airport it was very quite a good quite though it wasn't awkward at all we were just listening to the music..
We get to the airport, I park the car and we walk in so Aaron can check in...
He hugs me, and we hug for about 5 minutes, "I really don't want you to go" I say to Aaron with tears rolling down my cheeks, he pulls away from the hug and looks at me... "Baby girl don't cry" Aaron says wiping my tears away.
"Princess I'll be back in no time, I promise" he say and the wraps his arms around me again.. This time I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist.
We're looking each other in the eyes when he leans in to kiss me.
We start to make out and then we have to pull away because Aaron's flight gets called
"Goodbye baby girl, I'll message you when I get there, I'm going to miss you like crazy" Aaron says picking up his bag
"Goodbye Aaron, I love you"
I yell
Aaron turns around and yells
*skip the drive home*
I've just gotten home from taking Aaron to the airport, and I already miss him like crazy, I decide to message the girls over for the night so they can cheer me up!
I get my phone out and go onto my Facebook message and I go to my group chat with the girls
To: Maikayla, Charlotte, ash, Sarah
Hey girls, seeing all are boyfriends are on there way to magcon do you's all wanna come over and chill? xx
Charlotte: yeah, I'm up for it, there's so much gossip I've got to tell you girls
Then Sarah replies: I'll definitely be there xx
Me: okay girls ❤️ come over at 4
At the exact same time Maikayla and ash both messaged saying they'll be at mine..
I put my phone down and went down stairs to go get stuff ready for tonight
"Mum" I yell from down stairs
"What sweetie" mum answers
"Can you please go to the shop and get so stuff for me and the girls?"
I ask her politely
"Sure Bub, just write me a list and I'll go down to the shops" she say
I grab a pen and paper and write what I want
1. Chocolate (lots)
2. 3 pizzas
3. Drinks
4. Chips
5. And ice cream (cookies and cream)
I pass the piece of paper to my mum
*skip to 4pm*
All the girls have just got here so we go up to my room and chill.
"I have so much to tell you girls" Charlotte says
"Omg spill" Maikayla and I say in synce Sarah, ash and Charlotte all start laughing
"Okay, well me and colby have recently broken up.. It just wasn't working all he ever wanted to sit there and smoke weed.. I was over it, but there's this guy he's the same age as me and his name is Charles gitnick I've been friends with him my whole life, we grew up living next door to each other, and 2 days ago he told me he has feelings for me, and idk what to say to him because I've only just broken up with colby but I've wanted to hear that come outta Charles' mouth since I was like 10..." Charlotte says
Maikayla, ash, Sarah and I look at her shocked like um wtf colby smokes weed...
"Charlotte that's 6 years you've wanted to hear that for.. If you like Charles go for it!! Your single now" I say as I hug Charlotte
The other 3 girls agree with me..
After about 2 hours of talking we decided to go watch a movie on Netflix..
We all decided on the movie star struck.
~ Maikayla's POV ~
It's been about a month since that incident happened with Taylor and I want him and Leilani to sort it out..
I called Taylor before I got to Leilani's and told him to come over at about 6:30 pm so I can get Leilani and him to sort out there shit...
~ Leilani's POV ~
It's around 6:30 and I hear a knock at the door I get up and go and open it... Maikayla gets up and runs after me
I open the door and I see Taylor caniff standing there..
I got to slam the door in his face but before I could Maikayla stopped me..
"Please just talk to him sort it all out please" miakayla says and then walks off.
I walk out side and shit the door behind me!
"Leilani I am truly sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen... I've never felt like this over a girl" Taylor says as he looks at the ground and rubs the back of his neck
"Look Taylor your a lovely guy and yes if I was single I definitely would of kissed back, but I'm in a happy relationship with Aaron, if you had tried to kiss me 2 years ago I probably would of kissed you back, I've been one of your fans from the beginning, I still am a fan but Aaron means more to me now, I'm sorry" I say to Taylor with tears rolling down my cheeks
He pulls me in for a hug
"I'm sorry Leilani I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I hope we can work though this.." Taylor says
"I would like that Taylor, your a great guy" I say to Taylor
He goes to walk away but before he does I ask "do you wanna come chill with me and the girls?"
"Sure, why not" Taylor says

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