Chapter 6

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^annabelle^ and yes I know her hair looks blonde but it's light brown

Dylan's pov

I turn into the driveway to see its 10:04 am, I park and quickly walk to the entrance to see other people waiting for there tickets for the movie. I walk in line hiding the teddy bear and trying to hide the flowers without smudging them, then to here click-clacks of boots behind me. I look behind me to see Annabelle looking down. She kept walking until she bumped into me.

"I-️I'm sorry" she said quickly looking up

Her eyes...... Wow they sparkled in the sunlight, her adorable eyes looked into mine. I was slowly leaning in until

"Next" the old man said behind me

I smile slightly at Anna and she giggles, we walk to him and the old man Stares at Anna weirdly and when I turned to see her but she was just playing with her hair that was hanging loose from her bun. The man ignored it and gave us are tickets. We walked inside and I saw in the corner of my eye, Anna waving at the lady putting popcorn in a bag. We went to go sit down and watch the movie (it's scary one btw:3) when Anna sat down she pulled down her sleeves and looking down. Until I remembered something

"Here you ago" I say smiling giving her the flowers and bear

Her face lit up when she saw it. She grabbed the bear first and hugged it then she grabbed the flowers and sniffed them, she sneezed when she said and I said

"Bless you, princess" as I was looking at her blushing

"I'm going to get something to eat.. Any suggestions?" I said getting up

"N-no" she said playing with the pedals on the flowers

"Ok, I'll be right back" I say walking away

Annabella's pov:

I look at the small fluffy teddy bear and hug it and take a whiff of the beautiful flowers. I smile and close my eyes it was so calm and quite... Until a baby starts crying like COME ON WE AT A MOVIE THEATER NOT A DAYCARE!

"Hey Did i miss anything?" Dylan says making me jump

"Uh no just a baby crying and other movie stuff" I say like a idiot

"Heh well you excited about the movie?" Dylan says sitting down next to me

"I guess..." I say

"Aw come here" Dylan says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a hug.

I try my best to escape but he is to strong for me weak body

After what feels like 10 hours he lets go and the movie starts

I grab for some popcorn not paying attention to where I was grabbing and I felt something warm and soft... I looked to see what I was grabbing and saw it was Dylan's hand. I quickly pull my hand away and blurt out a "sorry" and look away

"It's ok" Dylan says smiling and grabbing my hand

I look at his hand and put my hand in top of his, he tenses up because my hands are freezing and he quickly grabs both my hands and wraps his hands around mine. I slightly smile and calm down by the touch of his warm soft hands and play with his fingers, I look at him and he is red and smiling.


"You want me to drive you home?" Dylan says opening his car door

"Heh sure" I say going in and closing it and looking around.

I look at what looks like 1000 buttons and I'm curios of what will happen if I press on but I don't wanna break his car so I just look out the window.

When we get to my house I didn't even realise me and him were holding hands, I sit there and he stares at me.

"I-I'm sorry" he says pulling his hand away from me, I tense from the coldness and get out. I didn't even notice he was outside too

"Why are you outside?" I say confused

"I uh" he says brightly red and looking around

I walk towards him and kiss him on the cheek. I saw he froze and became even more red. I smile and walk away.

"Night Dylan" I say opening my door

"Goodnight, princess" he says standing there

When I get into my house I look out my bedroom window to see he left already. I smile and throw myself on the bed. I get a vase and fill it with water for the flowers and put the bear on my bed. I get ready for bed and lay down, I stare at the bear and quickly fall asleep calmed down from the smell of his choline.


Hi❤️ I hope you like this kinda long chapter! I'll be updating soon so stay tuned. Ilysm and I hope u have a good day


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