Chapter 7

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At this point, I can't even tell if I am unconscious or just not waking up. I have no idea where I could possibly be, and I haven't heard voices so I don't even know where Selene and Dan are, and if they are okay. I try once again to open my eyes and see my surroundings, but fail. Then, I finally hear a noise.

Hey, what was your name again?

Dan. And you?

Abby. Nice to meet you, wish it was under better circumstances. I know what happened to her though, if you want to know.

Tell me.

Okay, well, I have had this happen to me before. They put you in a type of trance, where you can't move. It is painful, and can drive people insane. The company uses this technique when catching cat people and put them in cells this way. They just wait, until they need the cat person, and then they remove the condition. And good for her, I know how to remove it. You guys are lucky, no one has ever survived a capture mission and escaped alive.

Wow, lucky us I guess. Now, how do we help Bella wake up?

Everything muffles together again til I can't hear a thing. Where is Selene? Do they have her? Well, at least I know that Dan is fine. And who is this Abby? Did she help us? How does she know how to help me? Was she, part of the company?

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my right arm, and it spreads throughout my body. My eyes open, but it is so painful I close them tight again.

"What is happening? Is she already waking up?"  I hear a clear voice.

"The serum works quickly, so it goes quickly as well. That is what makes it more painful. Whenever I cure people, I feel bad, because of the pain I am causing them," I open my eyes again, the pain bearable. I see a girl with short brown hair and a brown jacket with straps on it. She had a sad smile on her face. Then I looked at Dan, who seemed elated.

"Bella!" he yelled going in for a hug. I stop him because I know it would hurt. The girl nods her head.

"Good choice. Now, I don't believe I have introduced myself. My name is Abby," she says, "You should rest for a long while before getting up and moving around. You have been in the trance for a while now and that effects your muscles and bones," she says. I nod, trying not to cry.

"Hey, you ok?" Dan still looks pretty concerned.

"I, will be fine," I say weakly. I try to talk some more to convince him I am fine, but before I can, I feel too tired to tell him anything more. I quickly fall asleep.


I stand in a cold room, wearing a long white dress. I see two doors. I open the one to the right and see, nothing. Just more room. I close it. I walk over to the left one, and twist the knob to open it.Behind the door is a small, skinny, black cat. Booth.

"Booth!" I yell. I run to him but end up on the other side of him. I ran, through him. He fades. I turn to my left and see Booth again, in his human form this time.

"Booth? Is it really you?" I approach him slowly, my hand outreached. But when I grab for his hand, it feels like I am trying to grab air. He fades as well. I turn another corner to a dead end. When I turn around to go back, I see a woman, in a red dress with red tinted hair.

"Who are you?" I ask. She simply turns away from me. But then she turns back around, Booth in her arms. He looks hurt.

"Booth!" I run forwards, planning on attacking her, but I just fall right through them. They simply fade away, like the other, Booths? What a confusing place. I run around in a circle it feels like, to the same corner. I can sense someone behind me, so I turn around, thinking it is the woman again. But this time it was Dan.

"Bella!" he reaches out for me. I look at him, worried and confused at the same time. I walk over.

"Hey it's fine! I am here," I reach for him, but then decide not to. I don't want him to fade away. I hear a noise. Suddenly, Dan collapsed, an arrow in his back. I gasp, covering my face. I run in the opposite direction.

Then I see Booth, again. He looks scared.

"Bella? Bella where are you? Mommy? Daddy? Selene? Someone?" he calls out.

"Booth. I am here. Can you see me?" I yell. He has no reaction. Then the woman appears again. She moves around Booth.

"Bella! Help!" I hear screams.

I wake up, screaming. I see Dan run into the room.

"Bella! You ok?" he goes to the side of the bed. I give him a sad smile. He hugs me. I feel, safer, in his arms. I put my head on his shoulder, and cry a little. I needed it.

"Everything will be fine, everything is going to be ok," he says. He repeats himself til I calm down.

"Thank you, for that. Sorry, it has been a long day," I say. He nods. Then I realize something,"Where is Selene?".

He stays silent, "Dan?" I look at him, a worried look across my face.

"I honestly don't know what happened to her. I was hit over the head, she screamed, and then I couldn't see what happened, but maybe Abby knows. You should ask her," he says, "I am so sorry," I shake my head.

"This isn't your fault Dan, just, go get Abby, ok?" he nods and leaves the room.

Where would Selene go? Is she hurt? Did they capture her? Did she escape? I wish I knew something about, well, everything.

Where did Abby go?

I hear Dan's thoughts.

"Dan!" I yell, "Come back here!" I am scared for him. If Abby is gone, the company could be here and then they could take him too. He runs back into the room.

"Bella? Whats wrong?" I grab my head.

"It just hurts," which isn't a lie, but I need to keep him up here until I know it is safe.

"I could go get some ice," he starts walking.

"NO. I um.... Can you just stay here?" I sound a little suspicious, and he gives me a funny look, but then he gives up and sits in the chair by the bed. He hands me a bottle of water.

"You should drink some water. It could help with your head,".

"Thanks," I take a few sips, then set it down on the bed. I feel tired still, but decide to ignore it.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get Abby? I am sure she is around here somewhere," he looks around, and after a few seconds, before I answer, Abby walks into the room.

"Hey! Your up! Did you need me?" she says. I nod.

"What happened to Selene?" I demand. Dan puts his hand on my shoulder and I calm down a bit.

"I jumped down from the trees after I saw Dan here fall. Selene and I fought off the company group and I ran to you two, while she kept running away, leading the group away from us. She saved your lives," she finishes off. I tear up. I need Selene. She is the only person that I can depend on. She can't be gone. 

Then  I realize something.

My 15th birthday is tomorrow.

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