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"What...." Kishor dropped his cell phone on d floor as he got d news of sanyu's accident.
He fell down on d floor wid d thud on his bed.
He didn't knew wat to do at this moment.
He became numb for few seconds.

His daughter his princess met an accident,  this fact was indigestible for him .
Some tears fell on his cheeks unknowingly.
"Sanyuu" he cud only utter .

Soon he composed himself n stood up hurriedly.
He wiped his tears n weared his foot wears.

The first person he thought will help him was randhir.

He immediately went to sanyu's room .
It was unlocked n rd was sleeping on floor.
Kishore ignored dat for a while now went to rd & shaked him.
"Randhir...beta randhir " kishore jerked his arm.

Rd stirred in his sleep n saw a blur manly white figure.
Rd took his specs from besides n wore it only to find kishore's pale face along wid fear.

"Wat happened dad.
U here at dis hour of tym?
Any problem? " rd asked.

"Randhir. .sanyu...sanyu" kishore trembled in fear.

"Wat happened to mam , dad?"

"She met wid an accident.
She is serious.
My daughter needs...needs me" kishore  breathe heavily .

"Dad...dad calm down..
We will go to d hospital " saying rd took keys of sanyu's new honda n took kishore supporting through his shoulder.

Soon rd n Kishor were standing in side d doctors cabin.
"See Mr. Agarwal we have gave her primary treatment but her case is critical.
We need to perform multiple operations on her.
Her leg n hand is fractured.
Her jaw bone is dislocated.
Even most of d car's glasses has pierced in her skin.
We need to do a plastic surgery too" Doctor sighed.

It was a major accident which could have been proved to be fatal to her life but she was immediately brought to d hospital for treatment by an unknown person n left immediately from der as he didn't wanted any police chaos.

"Doctor do anything u want but plz save my daughter plzz" kishore joined his hands in front of the doctor.

Rd put his hand on kishore's shoulder.
Rd was not at all attached wid sanyu but kishore was d person which rd respected more.
He cudnt see his father in dis broken condition .

"Plz sign this undertaking form , sir" d nurse gave to Kishor.

Kishore took d form n gave it to rd.
"Shez ur responsibility randhir.
U r her guardian now.
Sign this "

Rd nodded his head n signed d papers.

"We ll try our best Mr. Agarwal have faith in god" saying doctor went away wearing his green apron & a mask on his mouth followed by d nurse.

After half an hour vidz came along wid rds mom.
"Randhir " renu went to randhir who was leaning on d wall n Kishor was sitting on d bench looking at d OT.

"How is my sanyu? " renu asked worriedly wid moist eyes.
Watever sanyu behaved wid renu was not right but still renu considered sanyu as her own blood.

"Jijz how is she?" Vidz asked in her chocked voice.
No matter wat but sanyu was her best friend.

"Operation is going on" rd looked at d red bulb.

5 hours passed but still doctors didn't came out.
It made dem more worried.
Even d nurse running for taking things didn't uttered a single word.

Vidz came wid some coffee mugs as it was 7 in d morning.
"Uncle have some coffee" vidz sat on her knees .
Kishore said a  no & looked at d OT.

"Aunty u ?" Vidz offered d mug to renu but she too denied.

Finally she went to randhir but she didn't offered him knowing very well dat he too will not take as kishore n renu refused.

"Everything will b fyn" vidz rubbed his shoulder n smiled.

Soon d door clicked n doctors panel came out discussing something.

Kishore n rd ran to them
"How is my daughter? "

"Operation went well but we will have to wait until she gains her consciousness " Doctor said.

Two days went but still der was no recovery of sanyu.

She was lying lifelessly on d bed wid her plaster on hand n leg.
Her face was wrapped in bandages making her look like an Egyptian mummy.

Only her nose eyes n mouth were uncovered.

Rd was taking care of her medicines n stayed wid her 24 hours.

Vidz was busy taking care of renu n Kishor.

Finally on fourth day sanyu gained her senses.
"Paaa. ..paani" rd heard her feeble voice.

He immediately called d doctor.
"Nurse make her drink water"

D nurse did her work n rd was still looking at sanyu.

His expressions were blank.
Wat should he feel now?
For whom?
D wife who tortured him now n then.
Or his boss who leaves no chances to insult him.

Two three days passed wid rd taking care of her.
Doing her every work which she cudnt do bcz of her fractures.

"Hey mummy how r u?" Vidz came wid a fruit basket.

"Vidz how is mom now?" Rd asked as after sanyus accident she was ill.

"Much better.
She will come wid raima"

"N where is dad?" Rd asked.

"He is also fyn" vidz smiled.

Sanyu was hearing all der talks but her bad luck she can't even open her mouth as it pains her too much.

She was juz looking at rd n vidz through her eyes from dat bandages.



Ignore mistakes plz

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