So it seems like all the walls are falling down
Walls that I didn't even know exist
Walls of undeniable truth
Walls I've failed to breakdown
Walls of insecurity, love, happy ending and failure
They have all been held strong by me
But now the walls are controllable crumbling down.The walls that blinded my eyes
Walls that clouded my vision
Walls that harboured too much
Just too much pain, laughter, truth and shame
Walls that has kept me captive
But now I've escaped
My true self is freed
So no longer am I bonded
By peoples perception of meI'm free to laugh, cry, speak
And truly be me
not entrapped by any walls
No more superficial
I'm free!!!!!
Heart Whispers
PuisiPoems based on my personal experiences and thoughts . "I'm an amateur so please excuse me if I'm not good enough in your eyes "