The Game of Chance

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"Taemin! Minho! Onew! Wake up! We bought some pepero to eat!" Called Key from the doorstep. The shopping bag rustled as he struggled to take off his sneakers. Frustrated, he plopped down onto the ground to use both hands to take them off.

"Here, let me help you" said Jonghyun, kneeling down to help.  They worked in silence to get the stubborn shoe, until it finally came flying off. Key fell forwards, suddenly landing them on top of each other. Key backed off quickly, face beet red.

"Oh sorry, and thank you, um" Key muttered as he hastily got onto his feet. The tension in the air was tangible.

"No problem" Jonghyun murmured awkwardly, also standing up. They stood there, not quite looking at each other, faces red. Suddenly, they jumped at the sound of a door opening.

"Key hyung... is that you?" A sleepy voice asked quietly.

"Oh Taemin! We have a treat for you!" Said Key with forced cheerfulness. He hurried to Taemin, reaching into the bag for the cookies and cream pepero, Taemin's favorite. He quickly handed it to him, and rushed into the other rooms to wake up the members. 

Jonghyun stood, flustered, looking at the door Key had passed through. 

"Jonghyun hyung, is there a problem?" Taemin asked with a bewildered expression.

"Ah, no, it's nothing!" Jonghyun replied forcefully. Taemin took a step back, scared by his acerbity.

"Ok hyung..." he said doubtfully. Then, looking at the pepero in his hand, his face lit up in a happy, oblivious smile again.


(SHINee is seated in a circle in the living room, opening the pepero)

*crinkle crinkle* the sound of the plastic packaging ripping rang through the air.

"Hyung, I can't open mine" Taemin whined. He held out the unopened box to Jonghyun.

"Here you go, Taemin." Jonghyun replied as he opened it. Taemin took it back, and delightedly started eating it. Then suddenly, Onew sat up,

" We should play a game of dare or something!" he exclaimed.

"Maybe the two people who loses rock paper scissors has to do a punishment together?" Minho suggested evilly.

"Sure!" Key said. The rest nodded their heads in agreement, except Taemin, who was busy eating. "But we're excluding Taemin. Ok?" He added. Taemin didn't answer, still absorbed in the candy. Everybody laughed at his cuteness.

"Ok, lets start. I'll go against Minho" said Key.

"I'll go with Jonghyun, I guess" said Onew. "You guys first though"

They agreed, and stood up to play. Key and Minho stood back to back, tensed and ready. 

"On the count of three, stick your hand up in the air, and yell out what you chose." Onew said. "Three, two, and a one. Go!"

"Scissors!" Key shouted, holding up two fingers.

"Rock!" Minho simultaneously yelled, holding up a fist.

"Aw!" Key sighed in disappointed, while Minho celebrated by jumping around. Taemin looked up for a brief moment because of the commotion, then went back to eating. Then, Onew and Jonghyun stood.

"Count of three, same rules." Minho said gleefully. "Three, two....... ONE!"

"Paper!" Said Jonghyun.

"Scissors!" Shouted Onew. Onew, realizing he won, elatedly high fived Minho.

"Hey, come on, you said it a split second later than me!" complained Jonghyun, who was feeling  cheated.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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