✖Welcome to Deadlock Mansion✖

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Nowhere in space or in time, the mansion exists. That means there is day and night, but nobody knows in what year it takes place. It is literally in the middle of nowhere. It is nowhere in the human world, it has its own. If you keep walking straight, after a while you are just going to get to the other side. In other words: people who get there can't escape, they are stuck there.


Today was completely different. Tonight, I woke up in a bus. I was getting carried on a way people clearly don't use at all. As a vampire, I only sleep during the day, so I don't have to worry about the sun. However, after few minutes, I finally get close to an old looking mansion. It looks abandoned. At first sight, nobody went there for few months, maybe even years. The smell was horrible. Have you ever smelled something decomposing? Well that's what it was. To me, the aroma is okay, I am used to it. When we get closer to the manor, the bus opens its door. I then realize there is nobody driving. I get up and slowly get out of the vehicle as it closes its doors behind me to continue its way. I can hear sounds coming from the forest. The wind is blowing through my black, long hair and dark violet dress as I walk at a slow pace towards the mansion's doors. I have absolutely no idea where I can possibly be, I have no memory of that place. Am I dreaming? I haven't dreamed in many centuries.

It is a really huge place, it looks old and dirty. So dirty I can't even see through the windows, maybe cleaning them up would make it look less scary. It is mostly gray and black for the roof, it certainly does not look like a cozy place. It looks like a place we could find in horror movies, where ghost are living and terrorizing people stupid enough to enter. Some of the windows appear to be broken, maybe people died there? I doubt I can find someone alive. It is sort of a gothic mansion with tall towers, it looks like a place we could use to look at the night sky. It was surrounded with a dead tree forest, so we couldn't see much. Plus there was mist everywhere, not making the view really pretty. On one of the trees near the entrance, it seemed like there was some blood. I wonder what happened to that place, maybe it is damned.

Creepy as it can be, I can hear someone's breath. I wasn't alone. It was irregular and loud. Footsteps coming closer and closer and moans. Clearly not human moans. I try and hurry my way to the mansion. I get to the doors and try to open them: It's locked. Looking behind me to check if it's getting closer, I realize the forest is way too dark to see through the trees. The only thing I can see are.... Glowing red eyes. I turn around and try harder to open them, knocking as hard as I can so maybe someone hears me. I am starting to panic, where am I, what is happening? Am I gonna die now? I start running to the side to check if one of the windows are open. I'm saved! The kitchen window is open. I hurry my way through the door as I can hear the footsteps coming closer and closer and violently close the window behind me. I then sit, my back against the wall. I listen to what is happening outside. The scent is just getting more and more intense. That monster is the source of it. After few seconds I can hear it go away.

- "Artémis."

I can hear it call my name. Where does he know me from? Do I know him? Am I doomed? I am crying, hands covering my mouth to keep myself from making too much sound or screaming for help. I haven't cried in years. I want to wake up. I am actually scared. I know I am old, but I still have the body of a ten years old child. There is no way I can protect myself if anything happens. There is no way I can defend myself if that monster tries to attack me again. I calm myself down for few minutes before getting up. The air is chilly and moist. The atmosphere feels heavy, it is not a happy place. I walk slowly towards the hallway, looking around to make sure I am alone. The floor creaks to my 5KG body. It must be old. I keep walking until I get to the entrance. It is a really big place with two staircases leading to the second floor. It is really dark. At that point, it is clearly abandoned. I walk closer to the stairs. When I lay my hand on the ramp, I hear a long and painful sigh. I can't tell if it's just my imagination or if there really is someone.

I start going up the stairs as they crack really loudly. I'm scared someone... Or something... hears me. I know I shouldn't be scared, but I know monsters do exist. I am one myself, even though I never asked to be one. What if I die here, is someone going to remember me at all? Oh, Seraphiël, I hope you never forgot about me. I am still waiting after the day I find you again. I finally get upstairs. I hate being alone more than anything else. When I'm alone my childhood fear comes back to me: I get scared of the dark. I can feel tears going down my cheeks, I am still crying. I keep walking down the hallway to see a door with my name on it: Artémis Dagory. I'm scared, why is my name on that door? Do I know that place? Who put that there if the place is empty? I get closer to the door and try to listen if there's something on the other side. As I get closer, I feel a cold hand on my shoulder, I start screaming and take few steps back to fall on my back; there was absolutely nothing.

Is it not a dream? I can't tell, it's too surreal. Why did the bus take me here? What if I didn't get out? Maybe I just killed myself without even knowing. I want to leave. Now. I feel like there is something evil around here, something is just completely off with it. I'm am incredibly scared. As I look at the other end of the corridor, I see something crawling towards me. I can't see what it is, I get up, open my door and get into the room wearing my name, panting and locking it quickly. It is way too much for me. Why me over everyone else? Is it because I am a monster myself? Please, save me. Seraphiël, rescue me. I can't take it.

The room was actually pretty cozy, there is light. I feel like someone was expecting me. Who brought me here? Why is the room identical to my real bedroom and why is it so clean? I hurry up and open the drawer to notice: Those are the exact same dresses I wear everyday. Is this some kind of a sick joke? At least this room feels safe. I can't sense anything evil here. Maybe staying here until someone comes to rescue me. I do not want to live that horror everyday. I look out the window and observe the forest. How can a whole forest be composed of dead trees? I try and see if I can see something move, if I can smell that decomposition smell again. Maybe it's gone. I feel like sleeping would not be safe, I should maybe just look out instead of sleeping. I do not wish to die. I haven't found Seraphiël yet, my quest is not done. I hope he is still alive. I would need him. I remember how warm he was. Protective and strong. I miss him a lot.

As I get lost into my thoughts, all of the lights in the room turn off and I can hear scratches on my door. Is someone scratching it with their nails? I start shaking and panicking again, I am now hiding under my bed. I can hear the door slowly unlocking itself. Please, someone help me. There is no sound anymore. Just in case, I decide to stay hidden under my bed. Good choice, just as I thought I could come out, the door opens itself and slammed on the wall. I can see a weird looking shadow walking around my room. It stops moving when it gets just in front of my bed. I look at it as it slowly leans to look under my bed. It didn't have a face, it was just creepy glowing eyes and smile. I scream while closing my eyes and open them few seconds after to realize the light are still on, there was nothing.

... Am I getting crazy...?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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