A Very Ianthony Christmas

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Pre-Note: ahh omg is anyone like too excited for Christmas/the holiday season like I'm honestly the most obnoxious Christmas lover in the world like I've been excited all year so yes enjoy Christmas fluff I'm listening to punk goes christmas and drinking hot chocolate happy holidays everyone my break starts next Friday and I couldn't be more excited okay this is the longest note ever okay bye hope you enjoy!!

I watched Ian from across the room. He sat on the end of the opposite bed, resting his head in his hands. He just stared out the big sliding glass door leading outisde, which had been nearly frosted over. And you couldn't really see anything anyways; the falling snow was so thick, it was nearly impossible to even make out the shapes of various downtown New York City buildings behind it.

I slowly stood up and walked over, sitting down right next to him. He didn't move when I sat down, not even to look at me.

I sighed a little. "It's really coming down out there, huh?"

He didn't say anything, or do anything, really. Just contiuned staring. His face had been the exact same for three days now, ever since every flight back home had been delayed. And now, it was five minutes until Christmas Day, and here we were, stuck in some crappy Comfort Inn literally all the way across the country from our families and friends. Our simple two day business trip had turned into five, and judging by the looks of it, we were talking at least a week.

I crossed my legs on the bed and let out another sigh. "I know you're upset, and I am too, but try to think positive. You love Christmas."

He stood up and leaned against the wall opposite from me. 

"I love Christmas at home."

I stared out the window. I swear, every time I looked away, another inch fell.

"Well, think about it this way. It's Christmas, and it's snowing. That's never happened to us before."

He pushed away from the wall and fell back down next to me with a huff.

"I hate snow. I hate cold."

"Well, even if there was some miracle and we did get to leave tonight, that would require our whole Christmas being spent on a plane. Would you rather spend Christmas with a bunch of crying babies and old fat guys or your best friend in New York City?"

He looked up at me and smiled, just a little. 

"I guess you're right." He laid down on his back, staring up at the ceiling. "This just sucks. It's gonna be the worst Christmas ever."

I smiled a little, a sudden idea coming over me.

"What?" he asked, noticing the look on my face.

"Ian, I promise you I'm going to make this the best Christmas of your life."

He rolled his eyes a little, sitting up. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious!" I argued, nudging him. "I'm not just gonna let you sit inside all day feeling sorry for yourself. We're gonna go out and find a way to make this the best damn Christmas ever."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. And I found myself staring deep into his eyes, because they were just so... gorgeous. And he stared back. 

Maybe it was just me, but it seemed like there was something else there. I would say it was just the joy of the holiday season or something, but I'd felt this before. And I think Ian had too. But this was different than those other times. I wasn't compelled to look away or change the subject. I just wanted that moment to last forever. 

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