+6 & 1/2

16 1 0



Today is my birthday. So was yesterday. Tomorrow will be my birthday. It's always my birthday, and it will never stop. I wish it would stop.

It all started with a wish I made. I made that wish seven years ago.

"Make a wish," my mom said. I blew out the candles, and wished that everyday was my birthday. Eight years old, and I had already fucked up my life forever.

Every day I turn eight. Every stinking day of my life. I wake up every morning to my parents, wishing me a happy birthday. I have a party at the local bowling alley, I open seventeen presents. I act grateful for it all.

Six years ago, I decided to change it. One morning, I murdered my father, and I spent the rest of the day in prison. I woke up to my parents wishing me a happy birthday. I just wanted it to end.

I've burned down the bowling alley ninety-seven times. I killed all my friends twelve times. I killed my mom three times, my father fourteen. Over the past six years, I've learned how fun killing people is.

And it's okay, it's always okay; they just wake up the next morning. They don't die.

At least, I thought so. But yesterday, I only got sixteen presents. And this morning, I woke up in prison.


What do you see when you look at your hands? There are 29 bones and joints in the human hand. 48 nerves and 123 ligaments. All controlled with a single, fleeting thought. Strong enough to snap a pencil in two in frustration, yet gentle enough to caress a lover. Complex enough to tell stories, impart secrets, communicate in their own language. I thought of all these things. I contemplated the complexities that we each take for granted. The beauty of it all, passed over without a thought. So I made them think. You never know what you have until it's gone, and I made sure they will know what they once had.


"Woah, careful there, buddy! Just saved you from falling."

"Wha? Why? I wouldn't have fallen. There's no reason for me to fall."

"Well, I don't know about that. I just know you were gonna go over that ledge and you didn't because I saved you. You're welcome."

"Unless you thought I was going to jump?"

"I didn't say that. I just stopped you going over."

"Well I must have tried to jump, since there was no way I could just fall."

"Well, hold on. There's gonna be no jumping or falling..."

"If I was going to jump, I must want to jump."

"No, no you don't."

"I'm gonna do it."

"Do what?"


"What? Why?"

"I need to. I can feel it. I need to jump off of here."

"You'll die!"

"Yeah, no, I'll probably be fine."

"No, no you won't... Get away from there!"

Did you ever have that urge to jump off from somewhere high after looking down? That's because this is what you're brain is doing in the back of your head. I stay away from the edges because I don't trust which side will win that debate.


I know how this would go. I stood at the edge of the balcony on the 23rd floor of the high rise building. I've done this a million times before and it hurts more every time. My mind flooded of thoughts as to why I'm here, why I'm doing this. Emotional torture having to reminisce every pain I have experienced my whole life. I'm not in control of my body. I let the wind push me and i feel my stomach turn as I fall towards the ground except when I reached the asphalt I didn't die. I never die. My heart is still pounding loudly on my ears, the sound of my bones breaking and my brain scattering towards the street, the intensity of the sound is just as painful as the fact that I'm shattered. It hurts but I can't stop.

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