The Summoning

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"It is time to answer to your failures"

A large room, lined with pews and a podium at the front. A large grucifix is displayed on the back wall. The room glows red. This is the room in which the ghouls meet when they are summoned. All the ghouls enter, except one. A woman approaches the podium. She appears to be older. She begins to speak about the "success" of the band, and that it is not success, but rather failure. There needs to be change. There needs to be punishment. The ghouls begin to stir. The beloved Omega ghoul is missing. "You may notice a fellow ghoul already in absence" she says. "Punishment was in order... he was the least behaved of you all."

" Hammering the nails
Into a sacred coffin"

While the ghouls are in summoning, you, an aspiring ghoul, meets with Papa Emeritus III. The interview is very intimidating, for Papa's presence is very monumental. Though you are nervous, he treats you with much respect and kindness. He is very welcoming of your possible arrival and seems to take a liking to you. With that, his tone gets a little more serious. He then asks, "Are you certain and willing to uphold the responsibilities and duties of being a nameless ghoul? Are you ready to give up your identitiy, and become an envoy to the purpose of our message, and profession? To perform and entertain that of which glorifies and glamorizes the disgusting and sacrilegious?” with excitement you reply, "I am ready."

" Are you on the square?
Are you on the level?
Are you ready to swear right here, right now
Before the devil?
That you're on the square..
That you're on the level..
That you're ready to stand right here, right now
Right here, right now?"

The quiet in the summoning room is spreading as the ghouls wonder about their eventual punishment. As they stir, you walk in. A girl rather short in stature, with painted red nails. The robes fitting loosely, and the mask already hot and sweaty. The ghouls stare. Their masks hiding any emotion, you see their intense eyes and nothing else. Your palms grow sweaty. Suddenly, they approach with open arms and welcomes. Welcome, new ghoul.

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