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What is love? These days love is used so freely that most people just use it when they don't mean it, and sometimes they lie about it on purpose as well. To me love is a very strong term, I love to hear my family, friends and boyfriend tell me they love me. I love to hear it because it makes me feel content and so warm. When they say "I love you" they mean it, you know when someone means it because you have a gut feeling. I had to hold my tongue for awhile when my boyfriend and I started dating, it seemed that I just really wanted to say it but I knew better. I didn't say it until I meant it, I held my tongue until I meant it with all my heart where I just exploded when I said I love you, with the biggest grin on my face that my cheeks hurt. Love is when you want to spend every moment with them but you could be doing anything and be satisfied with that; what I mean by this is that when your boyfriend or girlfriend comes over that even if you were to just talk not kiss, cuddle or anything sexual that you would be happy. Now if your going on Google and typing in "am I in love?" Then I'm sorry to break it to you but your not. You'll know when you fall in love. You need to be patient, you need to have trust in your partner, and trust in fate, that if you are meant to be with your partner or to be single for a while then you need to trust that this is what God or fate intended for you. Now if your single, I swear to God, if you say I'll never find a girlfriend/boyfriend, I will hunt you down- HAHAHA no I'm joking. But you know what, I'm sorry if this is harsh, but shut your freaking mouth because we all know that you're just saying this because you want whoever you are telling this to, to tell you the opposite. And you know what you know it's not true so stop trying to get attention. I won't lie, I said it many times... Everyone says it at one point in their lives but the key is, is to realize you are being silly and to stop. Love is when you are committed to a person and that you trust them and aren't nosy or always poking in on their business, this is where trust comes in; trust your partner that if it was really important then he/she would tell you. Love is when you have an attraction to not only someone's outside but also someone's inside as well. Their flaws are no longer flaws but just another reason why you love them so much, they become just another perfection that make them, them. I know that all my girl readers have at least wished once that they'll get a boyfriend, that they either lied in bed at night and wished to God or blew out a birthday candle or wished upon a star for the perfect boyfriend. Well all I can tell you is just be patient and I know it's hard but trust God, trust fate and trust me that, that lucky guy will come around and love you for how you are because you are awesome! I have always been impatient ask my friends, family and boyfriend; so waiting for the right person to come around was extremely hard but I'm so happy I did. Now yes I'm only 15, yes this is very young. But you know how people say you can't comprehend what love is at your age. <----- that is the biggest lie in the entire world. I know 3 couples that met in their early to mid teens and got married and they are still happily married to this day. If your an adult reading this and you say this, stop. The only reason why people say this is so you don't use I love you all the time so freely and that you don't think you'll marry every boyfriend or girlfriend you have. No I'm not expecting to marry my boyfriend, but I'm not saying I won't, I don't want to put that kind of stress on our relationship because I know that could break us up. That is another reason why people tell us this, it is because if you went around thinking every boyfriend or girlfriend you got you'd marry then there is a possibility that you could break up over this and your parents or whoever is telling you this is just looking out for your best interest so you don't get heart broken. So yeah, I'm only 15 and yes he is my first REAL boyfriend that is the sweetest guy ever; so your thinking what they he'll does she know about love?

What I know is that I feel it for my family, for my friends and for my boyfriend. I love them all. Now if you have any questions or comments let me know! Please vote and comment!!!

Love, Taylor xoxoxoxo

(I love my family. I love my friends. And I love my boyfriend!!!!! <3)

Ps. I hope you get to experience this when your ready. Good luck and don't rush because the best things come to those who wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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