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Alicias POV:

- morning - 

" beep beep beep " 

the alarm sounded ugh i have to go to school first day here i come i got out of bed changed and went to brush my teeth and my morning routine. My mom asked if i was ready i went down stairs and grabbed some cookies and  water then i went running to the car. it was silent so i decided to to start a conversation 

" soooo  mom are you going to be home today ?" i asked  she replied and said " sorry sweetie but i have to work and i wont make it to dinner nor home "  she said looking into my eyes then i just ignored her and looked towards the window then she asked and said " is there something wrong sweetie " i replied " no mom bye i have to go " so i got out the car and went to my friends francia and sophia they said " heyyyy " and they both hugged me " how was summer " said francia "good"  i said  so what classes did y'all get i asked both of them, they handed me their schedule 


- math 1 

- history 




- PE 



- health 

 well great me and francia have two classes together and i have two classes with sophia i have math and science with francia and spanish and health with sophia yesss this is good to begin the year " ring ring ring " the bell rang lets go class byeee sophia see you later me and francia said we hurried to get to class. We got there and there was other kids i never saw soon me and francia took our seats and class had started.  I realized the principal was talking by the intercome ( i dont know how to spell it but you might know what im talking about ) and said " alicia Lopez please report to the office " i raised my hand and told the teacher that was me so i got out of class and went to the office there was two twins i have never seen before sitting in the bench. i went inside the office and the principal said " hey alicia i was wondering if you could please show julian and jovani around school " i said "sure but i really dont know it around here but i guess i can try" then he replied " well thats no problem i think you can do this " he said with a smile so then i went and said to the guys " hey my name is alicia " they both replied and said " hey alicia nice to meet you" so i asked the one with the greenish jacket on  " whats your name " he said " oh sorry my name is julian and my brothers name is jovani "  i replied and said well nice meeting y'all they replied and said nice meeting you to. We started walking down the hallway i decided to show them the cafeteria first then their classrooms. 

julians schedule 

- math 1 

- PE 


- health 

jovani's schedule 

- math 1 


- science 

- health 

okay so me and julian got classes together and julian and jovani got classes to ok i showed them around school it was 12 and it was time for lunch we went and they sat with me there where my friends i waved at them to come sit with me ...... 


 okay guys hope yall liked the first chapter and yeah i will update soon !!  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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