Happy 5th Birthday

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  One thing before we start the picture is what there birthday cake looked like second I'm going to be trying different points of veiws
Rafe was the first one up and jumped out of bed and then jumped on his  sister.

Reina's P.O.V. ~
I felt a piercing pain in my stomach and groaned at the pain. I heard a formilar voice screaming "GET UP GET REINA IT OUR BIRTHDAY HURRY GET UP OR I WILL GET YOUR PRESENTS!!!!!!!" no you won't I think and jump up and land on Rafe pinning him to the floor of our room and he looks at me terrified and then I attack, by tickling him. He start to laugh and then starts tickling me back and we are both laughing our heads off till we are out of breath and our sides hurt really bad. Finally we decide to join our parent so I get up and start heading to the door of our room.

Rafe's P.O.V. ~
My side was killing me from our tickle fight but I got up and followed Reina to the living room where our parents were. We made it down stairs and sat down on the couch in our normal spots Reina's was in the corner of the couch and mine was right next to hers. There were 4 presents. Which ment 2 for me and 2 for Reina. Our cake was awesome too it had a parite ship on it and mermaids under the ship it was so cool. We started with our presents Reina got two chapters books and a bright green backpack with her name on it in blue. I got a DS with one game and a bright blue backpack with my name on it in green. We were so happy it was so perfect!

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