Chapter 1

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(Y/N Flashback)
You went in the throne secretly
wanting to say something but she didn't have the confidence so
she just stayed there hiding in the tall pillars for foundation she hid there when she saw a maid came.She went close to the emperor and he told her
to call the empress she bowed and
took her leave you stayed there for a while until the empress arrived
and curiosity she went near the emperor as her hands were grabbed she was led at the back of the throne when the emperor place his hands there appeared a crimson light glow and there was a secret passage way under the throne room
your eyes widened in shock Charles held her hand and led her under when you saw they were gone you
followed them it was a long dark hall that had tall pillars you kept
on hiding in the pillars
they were walking about half an hour when they arrived at a door that had the symbol of Geass
they went and you stayed at the door so that your cover won't be blown up as you saw that were three small pillars,pillars that had rings lying beneath a pillow at the first pillar there was a red pillow in it was golden
ring with unknown carvings the
second pillar was black pillow on it was a colorful eye-catching
ring at the third pillar was a
golden ring that was twisted and
in the middle of it was a diamond
this rings were said that could resurrect anyone he told her that this rings are wanted by the
Geass Order and he wouldn't let them have the rings that's why he decided
to tell her that this rings would be transferred to different kind
of places for it to be safe but Charles went on the door in front
of them and they went to the door
and he saw you and he grabbed the collar of your shirt and dragged you out of the secret tunnel under the throne room and
called the guards to get you ready for your execution next week you
got frightened and tried to reason that you wouldn't tell anyone
you were dragged out side of the thrown room and you walked to cryingly to your chamber when you bumped on a long blonde haired boy he knelt down to your level
and he said I'm
V2 I would like to offer you
a contract in exchange you would grant me a wish you nodded and
he touched your forehead when
the process was done when
you opened your eyes there were
two Geass Symbols on your eyes when V2 saw it he walked back in shock and explained that you were far more prepared than anyone
he ever had a contract with
he explained your power was
Absolute Obedience and the other one was unexplainable
because in your left eye was a crimson Geass Symbol on the right one was a dark red Geass Symbol after that he left while walking you saw a maid you swiped your left eye and told her
to make you some cheesecake
and give it to your room she bowed
and turned to take her live you
didn't believe what just happened
but you didn't have a choice but
to believe when you arrive at your
room you went to your desk and planed your escape there was a knock at your door and your cake
has arrived you close the door and
she was now free from your control
while planning for an hour there was a knock at your door and it was Lelouch who invited you to
play in the Villa extending his hand
you took them and ran there was little nunnally waiting and
Euphemia and Cornelia on the
grass taking a nap.
( Time Skip)
It was afternoon exactly at 4:00pm
all of you stopped playing and starred at the sky it was truly a day
to be remembered.

To be Continued
-------------------------------------------------------- Hope you guys like it well it's tiring to type you know so

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Time Finished 8:35 PM


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