loved but forgotten

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I remember seeing him, his black hair,clothes, and how dark he was.So dark that no one not even I could understand but i like it.He wasn't like any other boy i didn't just like him i loved him did he feel the same about me? I guess we will have to find out....

                                                                               CHAPTER 1:

''BEEP,BEEP,BEEP'' ''Erica its time to get up'' ''i know mom i can hear the alarm''.Today was august first 2010 and it was the first day of school. This isn't gonna be fun.''errrr'' as the bus comes around the corner.As i get on the bus the bus driver greets me with a smile but i don't respond.I sit in the second seat from the back of the bus and stare out the window until we arrive to the school.i was now in tenth grade.As i get off the bus i see him i stare at him until he looks at me so i looked friend Bridget came up to me ''hey Erica you wanna skip school'' as i always say ''sure'' ''OK but hey i have this friend is it OK if he comes?''she said ''i don't care'' i responded. but when i figured out who her friend was i was the boy.'' this is Arron'' Bridget said ''and Arron this is Erica'' we both said hey but nothing more.

                                                                               CHAPTER 2:

as we leave the school Bridget left us for a minute and sed she has to get her stuff so we started to talk.''so your name is'' Arron said ''yea''i responded not knowing what to say.then Bridget came back ''OK lets go''.we walked to an abandoned house so we settled there.the boy got out a razor blade and sed i have four more.After that day me and the boy had a connection we went through many things and he told me ihe like me and asked me out and i said ''yes''.

                                                                                CHAPTER 3:

ever since the day he asked me out and i said yes we were unseparable even at night we would sneak out and meet at the house we started dating in.we never separated out of school we loved each other so much.''hey''Arron said ''what do u see in the future'' '' you and me i responded. but it didn't end up that way...

                                                                               CHAPTER 4:

i was walking through the woods to meet him but someone toulk matter how much i screamed he wouldnt let me go but then i felt a sharp pain in my back and then i felt dizzy and i fell to the ground as the man ran away i saw arron come to my rescue but he was to late.he told me he loved me but he couldnt risk being blamed for what happend so instead he dug a hole and put me in it.ever since then no one has found me i still love him but i hate him my spirit still walks the earth but i hunt him every day for the rest of his life....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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