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"Pregnant?" I shouted as Noah turned to stare at me, a hurt look passed his features, "how could that even be possible?"

"I'm sorry Miss Gomez but the tests say you're pregnant, are you sure you haven't been sexually active in the past three or so months?"

"Justin," all colour drained from my face as I remembered the night he came to visit me, "this can't be happening."

"Selena you've cheated on me?" Noah said looking at me, he tore his hand out of my grasp making me whimper.

"No Noah never, it was before we got together I promise. He came to visit me on the night of our first date and it just happened, I haven't spoken to him since."

"I can't believe you have kept this from me Selena, I need some time to think."

"No! Noah please you can't leave me like this, I need you right now."

"Selena you've hurt me! Of course I will stay by your side through everything but I wish you'd have told me!"

I cried softly into his jumper as he stroked my head, "Noah I'm so sorry, I will never hide anything from you again." He nodded softly and swiped a thumb under my leaking eyes.

"Okay Selena, do you want to tell Justin in person?" I gasped softly.

"No! He can't know, I want you to be the father Noah." 

"Selena, no. He deserves to know and I'm not ready to father a child. I said I would stick by you not be a father." Noah ran his fingers through his shaggy hair and groaned into his hands.

"Noah please do this for me, I don't want him in my life!"

"Selena do you know how much you're asking from me? I think we need a break, I can't deal with this. I want to be there for you but you're being irrational and only thinking about yourself. This baby is Justin's too and it completely out of order for you to keep that from him." He shot up and made his way over to the door, "I love you Selena but I can't do this. Call me in a few days." 

He slipped through the door as tears fell down my cheeks, how had my life come to this. I had dreams and aspirations and now I was pregnant with my ex boyfriends baby. 

Ten minutes later the doctor had managed to calm to down enough to leave his office and had managed to encourage me to do the right thing and tell Justin, so I was currently sat in the waiting room with my phone pressed into my hands nervously. 

"Hello?" His gruff voice sounded into my ear, "Hello? If you're not going to answer don't fucking ring me. I'm sick of fans getting my number." My mouth hung open in shock at his harsh words.

"J-justin wait." 

"Selena? Why are you ringing me?"

"I-i. Somethings happened Justin and I need to speak to you now. Please come and get me." I burst out crying half way through talking and my hands shook.

"Fuck sake, I'm actually busy right now. I thought I made it clear I wanted to contact with you?"

I don't know what made me cry more, the fact that Justin had changed into a complete and utter dick or the fact that it was probably my fault for leaving him.

"Yes! You did, but this is serious. I'm at the doctors I usually use." He just let out a harsh sigh and hung up.

I can't believe he wouldn't even help me when I was crying hysterically down the phone, I don't know what has changed him but I didn't want him to father my child. 

Half an hour later I was sat in the exact same position, several nurses had come over to try and give me water and tissues but I was unresponsive. Broken inside.

"Selena." I heard a harsh voice call from the entrance of the doctors, I glanced up to see Justin. He looked so different, tired and dull like all the life had been drained out of him.

I tried to stand up but collapsed into a heap on the floor, he glowered and strode over to me grabbing my by the arms and pulling me up. For a second his eyes softened as he looked into my wet broken ones. But they quickly hardened over again as he pulled me towards the exit.

"Wait Justin are you on your own?" 

"Obviously." He snapped before pulling me into his car. "What do you want to talk about."

"Justin," I paused as I looked away from his piercing eyes, "I'm pregnant."

"Wow well done, do you want a medal? Why the fuck are you telling me?"

"Because you're the father Justin! I haven't had sex with anyone else you fucking idiot!" I screamed finally loosing my temper, his face dropped in seconds and his hands went into his hair.

"Don't worry, I'll have to get an abort-"

"Don't you even dare say that! You stupid bitch, if you do anything to harm my child I will make your life a living hell!"

"It's not your child Justin! Well technically yes, but I don't want you in it's life. You're clearly unstable, you have a serious drug addiction, you're on the news constantly for breaking the law and being with random girls! What happened to poor Sofia!"

"It is my child! Fuck who cares if I do drugs, I'll stop if you're that bothered. And it's non of your business, Sofia doesn't need to know what I do and that's that."

"I don't want you in my life Justin!" I cried whilst staring at him.

"I don't want to be in it! I don't want anything to do with you, which is why I want full custody of our child."

"You must be joking?"



I just started college and I've been sooo busy, hence why this is so rushed and bad! Please someone help me out and edit for me! I'm struggling. But I do want to try keep this story going for you guys.

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