The Meeting

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Renee's POV~

I snuggled into Kevin's arms and looked into his eyes. "What time should I go home?" I asked, pulling on one of his jacket strings. I know it's only the first date, but I don't want to leave. 

"Never," He whispered, staring into my eyes. Me and him got lost into eachothers eyes for around a few minutes when a door opened. I bolted up and looked at another man around Kevin's age. "Hey, Aleks," Kevin said, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. "Sly is already here. He came home with a girl," 

"Oh, I was wondering where he went. And is this your girlfriend?" He asked nodding my way. I blushed at the word girlfriend. 

"Uh, n-" I started but was quickly cut off.

"Yes, Renee this is Aleks, Aleks, Renee," Kevin said. My face burned even more making me look at the floor. 

"Wait your ReneeThePikachu, right?" He said looking me up and down. "Your friend is cute," He mumbled than left. AWH. I'm introducing them now.  They will make adorable british babies. Is Aleks british? I think I heard a little russian in his accent. Russian-British babies? Rutish? Yup.

"Now that he's gone," Kevin said in a very suductive voice. Oh bebe. Kevin pulled me into his lap and looked into my eyes.  "You're beautiful," He whispered. I blushed and tried to keep eye contact. He leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked he wanted to kiss someone like me, but soon relaxed and shut my eyes and deepened the kiss. We sat here like this for about two minutes until we pulled back for air. I looked into his eyes and then cuddled into his chest. I slowly fell asleep as I felt a blanket cover my body. "Goodnight, love," Kevin kissed my temple and started running his hands through my hair.

                                                           ~Aleks' Pov~

I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling. Lately everyone has been heart broken in this damn place. Eddie from Alecia, Kevin from May, and me from Dominika. And now some mysterious girls fixed them, but where's my princess? Why can't I have a hero out of all this? I sighed and turned over looking at my computer. Maybe one day I'll have a girl that could tear me away from my games and make me actually live for once. I just want a girl to help me see the beauty in everything. A girl I can love forever.


I walked into the living room, yawning and rubbing my eyes. I saw Renee and Kevin cuddling on the couch still asleep. I took a picture and uploaded it on Twitter as I went to the kitchen. "Look at these two cuties together. @Renee_Cartello @GoldenBlackHawk" I quickly started cooking some eggs and bacon. Renee slowly started shuffling in rubbing her eyes. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt. The sleeves went past her hands. She yawned and looked at me.

"Hi," She squeaked. She sounded so adorable. She stopped me before I laid the bacon in the skillet. "Bake it, tastes better," She smiled and sat down on a stool watching me. "Do you guys have Tea?" I smiled and grabbed a box and handed it to her. "Thanks. You know, you don't talk much."

"Cause he's a faggot," Kevin yawned from the doorway. The two shared a look and a smile. How cute. I set the pan in the oven when it beeped and grabbed my cup of coffee. I handed Renee her cellphone and smiled. "I found it on the bathroom counter last night," She gasped then laughed.

"I better call Wynter to come pick me up," I stood up and looked at my phone seeing new interactions on Twitter. I checked them quickly and smiled. "Look at these two cuties together. @Renee_Cartello @GoldenBlackHawk" "@ImmortalHD @GoldenBlackHawk @Renee_Cartello Who the hell is that?" "@ImmortalHD @GoldenBlackHawk @Renee_Cartello IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS?" "@ImmortalHD @GoldenBlackHawk @Renee_Cartello Are they dating?"

I retweeted the picture and then called Kat smiling. "Hullo?" A tired voice said.

"Can you come pick me up?" I chirped. She mumbled some shit about me walking as I told her how to get here. I hung up and walked into the kitchen to see Aleks smiling at his phone. "Why are you so happy, fuck face?" I looked him up and down seeing he was fully dressed. Its too early to be dressed. Toni walked in looking all sorts of tired. Her hair was slightly messy and curly but still really pretty, her eyes her only half open, and her clothes were slightly messed up. "Hey babe. Kat's gonna come pick us up. When we get home you can nap then we record. No buts." I said giving her a hug. I saw Eddie walk in not that long after. "How was the sexy times?" I smiled looking at him. He blushed and grabbed some bacon. 

    ~Nothing happens so skips to when Wynter arrives.~

**Immortal's Pov**

The door bell rings as me and Renee were in the middle of playing a very heated game of Mortal Combat. I won about 3 matches, Renee won 4. Damn that girl. "Coming!" Kevin yelled heading towards the door. 

"It must be Wynter. I asked her to come get me," She winked at me. I looked at the door way and saw a beautiful girl with black and green hair. She had the brightest blue eyes and the smallest smile. She looked at me and Renee and her smile slightly slipped but she smiled at me again. "Hi, I'm Wynter," She giggled.

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