For Me?

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Kacie ran. She ran and ran and ran. Until one of the staff member saw her crying her eyes out.
"Sweetie? Are you alright? Do you want to go to the counsellors?" the woman asked. Kacie was panting. Her mind was jumbled up like scrambled eggs. In an attempt to calm herself down, she said she was okay and needed some time alone.
"Alright," the woman smiled,"I'll take you to the nurse."
Kacie nodded with the greatest respect. She tried to smile at her best ability. The woman took her to the nurse and Kacie went inside and sat on the bed and sighed at all the events that happened. She knew Iris hated her now. It was all her fault that the conflict started. She thought to go to the practise room during lunch to calm herself down by playing the flute.


It was lunch. Kacie left the nurse's room and sprinted towards the band room, grabbed her flute and ran into one of the practise rooms almost as if she was running away from a murderer. Kacie puffed out a breath, relieved to not see Iris. She took her music out and started to play and poured her heart out to play those awful, mainstream, depressing songs.

Suddenly the door opened.

Kacie yelped and turned her head slowly around. She knew who it was and didn't want to admit it. As though her nightmare came true, Iris walked in the practise room. Silence filled around them again. Iris continued to stare down Kacie.
"Kacie... why? Why do you hate me? What did I do?" Iris gasped while pinning down Kacie to a wall,"Please... tell me... I can't... I just can't stand being hated by you!"
Kacie wasn't sure if she should say the truth. She was afraid Iris would judge what kind of dream she had. But she had too...
Kacie teared up,"I HAD A WET DREAM ABOUT YOU!"
Iris blinked. She smiled with a huge relief.
"So you don't hate me?"
Iris had tears streaming down her face. As though she went with the flow, she jumped on Kacie and kissed her with passion.

"Kacie I'm so relieved."

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