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What is the point of life? I've asked so many people that question, and they each give me different answers, and their opinions. Some have told me it's an opportunity to try and better the world, to make a difference in someone's life. But what is the point if it will end. What is the point if you are going to lose what means the most to you. Why? Why, why is a question I ask myself so often. Why hold on to something that will eventually break? Why keep swimming if you are eventually going to drown? Why be with someone if eventually they are going to go? I struggled to fully comprehend and understand the answer, but it is the now.

We must live in the now to be able to fully enjoy life. To be able to make the memories that you will never forget and take with you once you run out of time. Happiness is only achieved when one chooses to live in the present. When one understands that now will never come back. It will only be remembered as then. As much as it is important to think of the future, do not lose yourself over thinking your future. The present is a gift. One that only comes once.

Enjoy your now. Do what you want now! Be happy.

So to answer the question "what is the point of life if we are going to die", I simply say, it is to enjoy the time that you have.

Author's Note:

Hello readers.
I wrote this when I found out that two of one of the most influential and good people in my life fell very ill.
I guess I was so sad it inspired me to write.
I was literally starting to bargen and reason with God Himself. I asked why.
But I found the answer. I found my answer. I hope you all learnt from my piece, and understood what I meant. I hope you guys didn't think I drowned myself trying to be deep;)
Until next time, best wishes.

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