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Sakura's P. O. V

It was 4 a.m.

I woke up to the sound of screaming in the house.

Quickly jumping out of my bed with my clothes from yesterday I ran down the stairs.

A ninja splattered with blood on his face. I stared at him for what seemed like an eternity.

Realizing that was my aunt and uncles blood I looked down on the ground to find my uncles mouth was slit open.

I then looked to my aunt.

Her guts were on the floor. Blood still oozing out as it closed in and touched my feet.

Tears fell as I looked at the man feircly.

He froze in fear as I walked closer to him.

My eyes started glowing yellow as my pupils turned into slits, a dark aura surrounding me, as the powers was overwhelming me I passed out.

3rd P. O. V

Sakura got on all fours, she yelled in a demonic voice.


She ran towards him.

Finally gaining some control over himself he grabbed kunai.

Throwing them at her, Sakura doged left,  right. But it was useless.

As soon as Sakura got in front of him she slashed her claws at him.

Splitting into five parts the man died falling to the ground.

Staring at him the dark aura started to disappear,

gaining consciousness again Sakura's eyes faded into it's regular green but duller.

She went to her room quickly taking a shower and

putting on clothes.

Looking outside she saw her whole clan was dead.

Sitting on the ground she cryed silently.

Itachi's P. O. V

I woke up, I feel like something bad happened.

Looking around I see the time read 4 a.m.

'Why....... Do I feel like something bad happened? '

I got out of bed and looked out the window seeing nothing wrong.

Walking down the stairs I see my dad getting ready to go work.

"Itachi.... Why are you up? Today is your day off. "

I stared at him

"It's nothing father. I just felt like something happened..... But I guess it's nothing. "

My father looked at me strangely.

"So you felt that way too?  Just don't worry about it too much... We'll go investigate when I tell my co-workers."

Silently I thanked him in my mind. This was really getting on my nervs.

"Yes father. "

And with that he left out the door walking to his work station.

I walked up stairs to my room and into my bed.

I closed my eyes as I felt a wave of tiredness and worry. In a few minutes I let darkness overcome me.

3rd P. O. V

Sakura layed down on the ground eyes puffed up with redness.

Dried up tears on her face.

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