First year

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Alexandrianna's 1st year
"Come on Moon we have to go otherwise we will miss the train" My older brother George yells from the bottom of the stairs, Yes this is going to be my first year at Hogwarts with my siblings and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it. I grab my last few belongings from my room before running down the stairs falling on the last 4 and landing in my brother Fred's arms. He puts me down laughing at my eagerness and goes to stand by his twin George. Mother disapperated us all over to London station so we could go through he wall to Platform 9 and 3/4. George and Fred gave our mum a hug before running over to the rest of there friends in 4th year. Ron had waved over the famous Harry Potter and Hermione Granger that I had met on numerous occasions.
"So its finally the year Anna, how are you looking forward to it" Harry asked after he let go of our hug.
" I think I'm going to love it, I'm slightly nervous but oh well" I zone out after that looking at all the students when a blonde haired by pushing through the crowd catches my eye. I'm dragged out of my thoughts by my mother who is giving Ron a hug and about to give me one when I push her away due to my not hugging parents in public rule. Mother hands me my bags and I jump straight onto the train putting my bag into the cabin before hand and taking the window seat waving off my mother and the platform of 9 and 3/4 behind.
*Le time skip of train journey straight to the grand hall for sorting time*
I walked up to the front of the room with all the other first years. I looked around the great hall in awe of how aesthetically pleasing it was then turned when I heard the booming voice of Dumbledore begin explaining the rules of Hogwarts before handing over to some teacher that I can't remember the name of but the boys told me some things about her. She started going down the list and I though I would be one of the first to go under the sorting hat but turns out I'm the last one to go. Just as I'm waiting for my name to be called I see all my brothers and there friends waving at me as if they know I'm going to be joining Gryffindor, however something clicks inside of me and I realize I don't want to follow the foot steps f my brothers, I don't want to be another Weasley clone. I sit down on the old stool and hope that the sorting hat doesn't put me in Gryffindor as I don't want to go with the boys. The sorting hat mumbles some things that I cant make out before shouting something that shocked everyone.
"Slytherin" the look on my siblings faces was incredible I wish I could've gotten it on camera I jumped down off the podium and walked over to the almost full table and sit in the only empty seat next to the boy with blonde hair I saw from earlier on. Dumbledore eventually breaks the awkward silence me miss Alexandrianna Moon Weasley has caused by telling us we are allowed to tuck into the heaps of food piled onto the tables. I take a piece of chicken and a small portion of salad and try and eat as little of that as I can. Truth is I do have an eating disorder which is rare for someone that has magic pumping through there veins but down to bullying in a muggle/pure blood school previously. The boy next to me introduces himself.
"Hi I'm Draco Malfoy and you must be Alexandrianna" he smiles nicely.
"Yep you don't have to call me by my fall name though as it can be a bit of a mouthful" I say laughing and I can feel the stares from Gryffindor boaring into the back of my head. He put down the piece of chicken he was holding and turned towards me smiling.
"You know I would never have thought a Weasley would end up in the Slytherin house hold." I smiled pushing the plate away before turning to look at him
"Yeah I didn't't want to be another clone of my perfect siblings I needed space to breathe with them not watching my every movement" I say turning to look at the table they were sitting at, they were still watching me and Fred nodded his head towards my plate and mouths eat I shake my head before turning back to Draco.
"Ah I see" he nods his head pushing away his plate before turning to talk to someone sitting on the other side of him I push the food around my plate a bit more and eat a slice or two of cucumber before standing up to take my plate to the box, before I go I tap Draco's shoulder I gesture towards his plate silently asking if he wants me to take it.
"No it ok I've got it" he smiles up at me before grabbing his own plate and walking down to the box with me. We pass many surprised faces as if this is something out of the ordinary. I scrape my plate into the small bin before placing my plate in the box. On the way back Draco sparks up the conversation
"You didn't't eat much are you ok?" he whispers looking towards my brother who if looks could kill we would be dead
"Yes I just wasn't't hungry" I lied truth was I was starving but I was already fat enough. Next thing I know I'm hurtling towards the floor after being tripped by some 5th year Hufflepuff I shut my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came I opened my eyes to see Draco holding onto my waist stopping me from falling. I gained my balance before walking back to the table only turning to thank Draco afterwards.
"No problem, I think you guys are going to be led around t the common and dorm rooms soon so I will see you n abit ok" I nodded towards him before all the first years were called up to be shown towards there selected house common rooms. I got to were my dorm was and started unpacking my belongings before spotting my robes on the side. I got changed into them before walking out of the room and sitting with the rest of the first years waiting for professor snape to enter and tell us the rules of this house without any of the other year groups here. Snape was here for a few minutes before walking out and letting the rest of the students in. I was just about to get up and go over tot he desk to start writing a letter to my parents to tell them what house I had been sorted into and how well I was settling in when some one plopped themselves down on the small couch beside me. I looked up at the person and noticed it was Draco he laughed at the look on my face before giving me some tips on what to expect on my first day tomorrow.
"Right I'm going to bed and you should to night" he got up and offered me his hand I accepted it and walked towards the rooms.
"Goodnight Draco thank you for today" I said smiling before walking up the stairs and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
*Le time skip*
I hobbled out of the hospital wing yes I've ended up here already we started learning how to fly on the brooms today when some decided to practice being a chaser for the qudditch team when the first years were on there 2nd lesson. I was knocked off my broom and hit one of the flat roofs in a heap. There was a big fuss and I was whisked away into the hospital wing where we found I had shattered a knee cap and snapped my ankle. They managed to do a spell to fix up my ankle but the knee as not so easy I'm now on crutches and struggling my way around the castle trying to get to the great hall for food even though I'm not hungry. I pushed the door open running late for food and every ones head snapped towards me, Surprisingly Ron was up in a heartbeat to help me over to the Gryffindor table it wasn't until I noticed we were nearly there were he was actually going I turned my head to him and said
"Ron I want to go sit with my house not you, I mean come on your my brother I want to sit with my friends and not some who only like me cause I'm related to you"
"Fine then" he sighed and let go of me making wobble and nearly fall before Harry came up and grabbed hold of me before I fell and helped me hobble over to the Syltherin table where Draco must have got up to help me as he took my crutches off of me and lifted me onto the bench next to him because it was to hard to do myself. May people from my house asked me if I was ok and I nodded at them and spoke to a few. I looked over and noticed that Draco platted me up some food and put it in front of me while I was talking to Lilian another Slytherin.
"Thank you Draco you don't have to do all of this" I said smiling appreciably at him.
"Of course I do your a Slytherin and I'm happy to help I said I would on your first year so" he said quietly into my ear. I smiled an nodded as picked at whatever type of meat that he had put on my plate with some mash potato's.
"Eat" Draco whispered in my ear again. I turned to him and mouthed that I wasn't hungry before turning to grab my crutches to try and get out of here as quick as I possibly could.
"Just two spoon fulls of potato and I will help you to the dormitory's" he said I sighed and took up his offer considering I would never have got up the stairs on my own. I put the two mouthfuls in my mouth struggling not to gag. Draco smiled like it was a massive achievement for him. He got up and walked over to the teachers table but not before grabbing both of our plates and putting them in the box at the end of the table. I saw him having a conversation with my favorite professor, professor Snape. Draco nodded in my direction and I saw Snape smile sympathetically at me and I gave him a small wave. Draco walks back down the stairs two at a time over to were I was sitting at picks me up over the bench and places me down on my feet still supporting me before he hands me my crutches and we walk out of the great hall eyes back on us as we exit. Draco helps me up the stairs and through the hallways. It takes us longer then normal nut he doesn't seem to complain. Once we got down to the common room he lit the fire and helped me onto the sofa. He crouched down in front of me
"I'm gonna go change is there anything you need while I'm gone" he said smiling slightly. I shook my head before saying
"No but thank you for everything Draco" he smiled before getting up and walking up the stairs two at a time. Once he was out of sight I pulled up my body and grabbed my crutches before hobbling towards the girls dormitory. However when got to the first step my crutch slipped from underneath me and I feel knee first towards the ground. I must have let out an ear piercing scream as Draco was down the stairs in a flash and by my side holding me as I cried due to the pain. It wasn't until I calmed down I noticed that Draco was shirtless and started to blush. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to my area he put my clothes on the bed and turned around while I struggled to get changed. Once I was done he tucked me into bed kissed my forehead and started to leave. Before he left I grabbed his hand and he turned back to look at me
"Thanks, thank you for everything Draco" he smiled at me giving me a nod before walking out the room. I seemed to fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

*This is the main thing that happened in Alex's first year and Draco's third year the next chapter will be her second year and this will probably be in two parts as its longer

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*This is the main thing that happened in Alex's first year and Draco's third year the next chapter will be her second year and this will probably be in two parts as its longer. This is also only a few chapters to lead up until we get to
fourth year where the love and action really kicks off. Don't forget to heart and comment*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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