Chapter 10

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Billy woke up in a great mood that Monday morning and the first thing she did was call her personal assistant to tell her to send a bouquet of tulips to Jesse’s office.

She had spent the weekend with Lana sulking over what had happened with Jesse, what she had said and Billy had decided she needed to take a different approach. She wanted to romance Jesse, make her fall in love again. She knew she was undeserving but she wanted a chance to prove she could be better.

The only thing that still greatly troubled her was Alex. She was hoping to pass by the coffee shop that morning and see if she could have a word with her. Maybe she had cooled off and was more willing to listen.

Lana had suggested that if Billy could explain how she felt about Jesse, Alex would be a bit more understanding. So she woke up feeling a little more optimistic than usual.

It took an hour to get ready and get everything she needed to leave. She had a presentation with Lana and Jesse to showcase the final draft for Global Designs and Billy wanted to ask Jesse out on a date in an attempt to apologize for coming onto her a bit too strongly.

She drove to the coffee shop and sent a prayer above, hoping Alex was not still angry with her. When she walked in, she found Max and Jade seated together and went to join them. They seemed distracted and Billy turned to face what they were both staring at.

She froze when she found Alex arguing with Alyssa at a different table, some distance away. She took a seat, startling both Max and Jade as they turned to her.

“Whoa! What’s going on guys?” she asked.

“Alex just broke up with Alyssa, it doesn’t seem to be going well,” Max said.

“Why did she break up with Alyssa?” she asked.

“Alyssa is storming out,” Jade said and they all turned to look.

Alex looked devastated and Billy found herself standing up to go to her best friend’s side.

“Billy, I don’t think-,” Max’s voice faded off as she headed to Alex’s table.

She was leaning her forehead over her hands on the table when Billy slid into a chair next to her. “Alex?” she said softly.

The expression that quickly covered Alex’s face when she saw her gave Billy goose bumps. She went from stressed to annoyed in a second.

“What do you want?” Alex asked.

“What’s going on with you and Alyssa?” she asked.

“It’s none of your business,” Alex said dismissively.

It hurt Billy that she could treat her like that, but forced herself to understand. “Alex, I am your best friend. How long do you plan to be hostile towards me?”

“As long as you get the picture that I no longer want you in my life,” Alex said.

It was so hurtful to hear her say that, she felt like someone had punched her in the gut. “Please forgive me, Alex. I never meant to hurt you. I want things to go back to the way they were between us,” she said.

“This is not the time to talk about that,” Alex said.

She had just ended a relationship with her girlfriend so Billy understood that and tried to drift from the subject, hoping Alex would open up to her. “Okay, but could you please tell me what just happened?”

Alex scoffed, belittling her effort at trying to be a friend, which made her realize she’d have to work harder to win back her trust.

“I don’t have anything to say to you,” Alex said. She reached for her coat, stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.

Star Crossed No More (Sequel to Star Crossed Lovers) (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now