Chapter 9

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[ double update today :) please vote and share my story. i really appreciate the comments !! cliffhanger is sorta my thing so yeah. enjoy !! ]

"Harry." i squeaked.

He looked down and stared right into my soul with red eyes. I backed off slowly. Harry just watched me. I stopped next to Zayn and grabbed his arm and hid behind him. I was so scared.

"You're fast Harry. Go get something first then we'll talk." Liam broke off the silence. Harry still stared at me and smirked.

"You're scared? Why should you be scared? What you did to me yesterday was just shit !!" Harry shout and slammed my room door shut.

He walks towards me and Zayn. I ran away and quickly ran behind Liam. He catches up with me. Then Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. My face was on his chest, he wrapped his strong arms around my petite body. He smelled so nice, his hug is so warm. I've never felt so safe.

"Hold me tight." he whispers and held me tighter. I couldn't turn around to see the rest.

"Louis, she doesn't love you. GET AWAY FROM HER !!" Harry shout. I couldn't stop shaking.

"If she doesn't love you, she wouldn't be afraid of you. She wouldn't hold you like this. You just wanted her body." louis defend. I started crying in his chest. I couldn't handle this anymore.

- Louis's pov -

"You're just saying that to make me go. You don't love her. You never loved anyone." Harry pointed out..

"She changed me." i looked down at her. She's crying.

"WHAT?!" harry laughed.

"She really changed me.  I thought im gonna hate her so much but i can't. You just mistreated this amazing, beautiful, funny, stupid girl here." I kissed her head. She looked up at me and smiled. Her eyes are red from crying. I kissed her forehead and looked at Harry,

"leave. she's really tired." i demanded. Harry stared at me.

"Prove it. Prove me that she likes you back." he smirked.

"let me go." Diana whimpered. I did what she said. 

"prove?" she looked at Harry. She balled her tiny hands into a fist beside her body.

"I will." she turned around, grabbing me by the collar and kissed me on my lips. I cupped her face and kissed her back. She was crying while she kissed me. Her soft lips. It sent a hot sensation inside me. She pulled away,

"i love you." she whispered and smiled.

"i ... i love you too." i replied and wipe away her tears. She held my hand and turned back to Harry. He couldn't speak. She walked to the door with me. She opened the door and took a deep breath.

"go .." she looked away, tightening her grip on my hand. Harry walked to her, he cupped her chin and made her looked into his eyes, he cried,closing her eyes and never opened them. Harry wipe away the tears.

"i love you Diana .. i do." he sighed and walked out of the room.


[ short chapter coz double update. oops. hahaha. hope ya like this. :) do voteeeeeeee. it seriously means a lot to me. <3 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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